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Need help getting "Two Weeks Later" vid to run, have lots of


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Nah, no FOOK.


As far as my level-up issue goes, I have used FO3Edit to create a merged patch, then I ran Master Update, and still no good. I guess I am going to have to start removing mods (which means a new patch and a new Update every time, sheesh). However, after spending two hours doing this yesterday, I decided that I couldn't bear it anymore and loaded Mass Effect. So, we'll have to wait awhile for a solution to this because the whole process of...


Open FOMM and Uncheck mod


Remove mod and merged patch from Data folder


Open FO3Edit and create new merged patch, save, exit


Open FOMM to make sure merged patch is checked and at end of load order, close FOMM


Open FO3 Master Update


Open FOMM and start game


Save game and load clean save


Talk to Lyons and Level Up




CTL-ALT-DEL then stop the Nonresponding Fallout 3 app


Send message (or not) to Microsoft


Rinse and repeat


...I've pretty much gotten tired of Fallout 3, as much as I enjoy it.

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I got past this thing by disabling every mod in my game, then saving as soon as the vid ran and Broken Steel began in earnest.


However, the process of trying to level has tired me out from Fallout so I am playing Mass Effect for the time being.


I'll get my load order up, though. Maybe someone can see something that I can't.

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