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Amelions Armor

zac dorkus

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Name of the mod is Amelions Armor. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2121

Just need somebody to tell me where I can find all the pieces! All I have found is the greaves in the abandoned cheydinal house. Mod author says "The new items are hidden in the world and you will have to find them on your own" they could be anywhere! I have contacted the mod author but no reply yet, also comments have been disbaled on the mod page. Thanks and Kudos to anyone that can help me :biggrin:

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Name of the mod is Amelions Armor. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2121

Just need somebody to tell me where I can find all the pieces! All I have found is the greaves in the abandoned cheydinal house. Mod author says "The new items are hidden in the world and you will have to find them on your own" they could be anywhere! I have contacted the mod author but no reply yet, also comments have been disbaled on the mod page. Thanks and Kudos to anyone that can help me :biggrin:

With things like this, you can always open up the CS, find the item listings, and see where they are placed, or just look at the mod details and see which cells are modified. I would suspect that the author may intentionally be wanting people to go running around to search for the pieces rather than just having them being given to the player.

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Yes, already had a look at that mod LHammonds...

Found a few of them in the CS, but being a bit of CS noob is gonna take me some time :D Thank you for the idea though Vagrant0 :)

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