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Should there be a punishment for not rating mods?


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The internet, even if it's not real, can be a pain in the arse sometimes. It's just better to stick with the good things it provides(few I know) and ignore everything else as you will only harm yourself if you CARE to much. I am not asking you glensh to be like everyone else and don't rate, instead do it and feel good that you did help while others simply ignore. I rate most mods myself and encourage new modders becouse I feel it's right. We can't make everyone think like this. We get the best of it anyway as we know we did the right thing ;)


You have a good point :thanks:

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As someone who occasionally non-endorses things and gets yelled at for it, I can say that not all modders want people's criticisms. I try to be polite when doing so, but it's taken very seriously sometimes, and given the system of "if you don't like it, don't play it!" thing that Tesnexus has I can see a lot of extra work on the admins part responding to "reports" and the like. I mean just because you didn't like something it doesn't make you invalid, and it doesn't mean you knew you wouldn't like it from the start.


The fact is making the overly positive who absolutely love the mod converge with the people who tried it, didn't like it, and just want to leave it.... is just a bad idea. If someone really enjoys it they'll endorse. If they do nothing well...who knows why they did nothing... maybe they're caught in between deciding to endorse, or not endorse.

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I've done quite a few mods... good ones from the looks of it but with less and less people playing oblivion now people just don't really bother, fair enough some people take there time to tell you GOOD WORK! but most do just download and off they go, I guess It's also eagerness they want to try the mod :)
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Have you ever heard the expression, "If you must have an answer now, then the answer will be no." ? It's like someone pestering you for an answer you'd like to put some thought into, but you end up telling them "no" just because you want them to go away. Trying to force people to do something is essentially the same thing.


If I am forced to rate, then I will just give it a thumbs down to make the nag/punishment/restriction go away. Of course it wouldn't be a reflection on the modder's skill, but my disapproval at the whole idea of "punishment" where none is warranted.

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So many downloads, so little time. I have downloaded everything on this site for the last several years...I think I rated about 6. For me it has to be something special to deserve it. No I don't play them all but I make a conscious effort to download them all. Though I do miss one here and there.


I downloaded my download history as an document it took several minutes just to load the page, nope not that much time left.


Something that makes an impression.....gives you a sense of worth should be endorsed. I do give kudo's to modders though as it is unknown who gave it and why; that is the way I like it. My random act of kindness, all they know is that they made a positive impression on someone....that is best if you want an old fart's opinion.

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When I saw this thread, I immediately thought of what buddah and I had done (just downloading in order to have a copy...and maybe play or examine later). And of course, in true buddah fashion, he already posted and stated the very same point I was going to make.


buddah would be THE most punished member of this site. At one time, I would have been #2 but have not kept up with mod releases for quite some time.


My large collection started off with me downloading anything I "might" want to play later...mainly because I saw an awesome mod one time and was going to download it later only to find out that the mod author pulled it down and left. That's when I changed from downloading things I am going to use right now to download what I might use later.


If an author wants specific feedback, that author should ask for it. I have recommended to authors to create mod review templates so that it is easy for people reviewing the mod to post something you are actually interested in reading about. If you create a mod that does 50 things but of those 50 things, only 3 or 4 of them are something truly awesome, why wouldn't you ask people to comment on those 3 or 4 items rather than giving them a blank page to look at and try to figure out what to say...help them out with a template for crying out loud. hehehe.



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Yea that is a good point. I guess punishment is the wrong way to look at it. But from talking to different modders they like to know how there work is and people aren't doing that.

Modders should be like musicians, in my honest opinion.

People who create for themselves, and themselves alone. Their tastes, their styles, all for the sake of themselves, and release it to the world with no expectations of gratitude. Take every non-rate, and anti-rate with a grain of salt, and embrace the love and praise they recieve. If those modder's you're talking to don't feel like they're getting enough, then they're being a tad self-important.



Couldn't have said it any better. I know when I release something I certainly don't expect end-users to grovel at my feet and give me worship. Comments and ratings are a nice bonus but in no way should be mandatory. If thats why why a person is into modding then I think they need to re-evaluate their reasons for doing so.


A strict rules system would do nothing to benefit anyone.

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sure many modders, me included, would love it if everyone would state their opinion (tho it might become tideous to say the least lol), however i totally oppose the idea of creating punishments, we have enough of that crap in the real world yet,


screw punishment!

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I only say this because I think the staff knows me well enough to know that I would not actually do it: When I read the title of this thread my first thought was to find all your mods, download them, delete them immediately without even unzipping them, and give you thumbs down. I've only written one truly negative review in my entire time on Nexus and still that's the response provoked in me by the notion of being forced to do something. What I'm saying is different things get different reactions from different people, you need to be prepared for them all.


When I look at a file, I check three things: how many downloads, how many legit thumbs down it has*, and how the modder responds to people in the comments. The reason is that on the internet people rarely say "thank you," but they will almost always express when they are unhappy with something. Think of all those people who ask for help and never get a response, who lose game data and blame it on a file, who just don't like the color pattern you used, all the people who actually live by "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything"... now force them all to come back and give you a rating. Do you want to be the admin who has to clean that up?


I've never uploaded any of the small mods I've made, but if I did I would be happier with the number of downloads-vs-number of thumbs down, than with the endorsements, but that's just how I think. As far as the files I do endorse, like Buddah said, it has to be something special. I asked a modder for a big change in his file, and I fully expected to be completely ignored (and he could have rightly done so), but not only did he do it, he did it over a holiday weekend. Those are the kind of people I endorse and I promote them in my comics to get them as much exposure as I can. On that note, the biggest mod I use, I've blatantly promoted it in at least 5 separate comics** and my game would be crap without it... and I've never endorsed the file on Nexus.


* I know the admins try to remove as many bogus remarks as possible.


** By "blatantly promoted" I mean it was a clear and outright advertisement, not blended into the story very well at all.

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I wouldn't ever expect people to rate my mods because I simply release them to. 1 show my talent :)

2. because I like to share, a mod isn't something to keep cooped up to yourself that's why you'll find 90% of my posts are on the file request/suggestions thread because I like making people happy :D

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