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Should there be a punishment for not rating mods?


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What if the system was changed so that you had to vote on one mod for every five you downloaded? (It doesn't matter which one you vote on, even if you downloaded it months ago.)
So you're saying that people should not be able to download mod #6 if they don't vote at least 1 time?


So are you saying that if I start to download all your mods (remember, buddah and I download for backup or "might play later" reasons), that you want to force me to vote on one of them before being able to download them all? Remember what was said earlier about what people would say to a nagging popup that forces you to vote now? The answer will be No/Thumbs down with the thought that "maybe" later, I will come back to give you a thumbs up if the mod was exceptional (which is likely to never happen if 1. I don't play the mod, 2. I don't feel like it was good enough to endorse, 3. I accidentally forget or 4. the age-old path to ruin of "I was going to go back and vote but...**insert excuse**"




General Note - Kudos is singular...no such thing as kudo.

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what about the mods that the system refuses to accept "thumbs down" as a rating


or the ones that read as interesting, but the included readme - that you have to download the file for in the first place - only then tells you about 14 other mods that it requires to run (yeppers, found a bunch of those)


or the mod that was recommended by a mod that you have serious interest in only to find that the recommended mod is more than a year outdated and simply won't work any more

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General Note - Kudos is singular...no such thing as kudo.


Actually there is, it's a radio station in Alaska. But kudos is not two radio stations...

Did I "really" have to include "in this context" to the end of my sentence? Rea//y? :P

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Forcing free-spirited people to vote on one out of five mods might be a bit harsh. It probably should not be done. There are a great many hippies and anarchists in the world. It is really hard to expect others to take any sort of responsibility in any activity unless the impulse comes from within themselves. My life has been such that I have been forced to be a bit disciplined, but if others had never experienced and lived through that, then I suppose such things as voting might seem like insurmountably difficult challenges or inhumanely onerous burthens.


I really like the idea of having several different kinds of kudos for different things. That might be a change that would be easier to do than some of the things which have been proposed.


If you download a mod and discover in the readme, which was otherwise unavailable, that you need to download several other mods to make the mod work, then a vote or comment is still possible. You can say something like, "This mod is too hard to install, and there is no warning that it will be hard to install until after you have spent time and effort downloading it."


If a mod is seriously outdated and won't work anymore, you can vote and say, "This mod is seriously outdated and won't work anymore."


I am perhaps a bit close-minded. As a bit of a chatterbox and know-it-all noob, I am baffled by the complete silence of many people.

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I am baffled by the complete silence of many people.
As previously stated in this thread, content people are usually quiet people. It is those that have something to say that go through the trouble to type something up. It rarely is due to "wow, this is better than any other mod I played before" and almost always "something didn't work and I want to say so...and maybe get an answer without having to read the readme or the prior post"




So basically, silence can be viewed as a GOOD thing. It means people are not having difficulty with the mod and their perceptions are inline with what they experienced. Perception is generally controlled by YOU the MODDER based on the category you upload to, the description, screenshots, etc.

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Okay what if we got rid of negative endorsement or negative voting and just have a positive endorsement or vote and if the user has negative feedback he/she simply leaves a comment. Or maybe use the star system youtube uses so it doesn't necessary show the negative feedback.
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Enough already. The Rating System is quite a good one for a Community which is apparently full of very very sensitive People.

Well, it has its downsides; when i download a very simple mod, like my Mods are, i'll get the Idea within a minute because the mod is so simple.

But then i can't rate it for a few hours or so; I'll probably forget to rate it afterwards. Same thing with huge questmods; if the mod is good enough, i'll play for hours and hours and forget about the rating of the Mod.


In my Opinion, People shouldn't make mods that require other mods, because we've seen People pull their Mods off the Site and then you're fuc... sexually penetrated.


I don't get why anyone would care about endorsements; these are Opinions from People you do not know. And some People may have some other priorities then you do.


I'd rather not rate and say why, for the simple fact, I admire anyone who gives it a try, even if it doesn't turn out so well.
I'll take this as an Example.


Are you serious? Mods can screw with your Game in ways you can't see at "first Glance" so saving very often may not be very useful in some cases. If a Mod screws with your Game, please give it a negative endorsement. I'm quite aghast that someone would actually refrain from that. If a mod is total BS, give it a negative endorsement. Just to warn others.


Up to a Point, i can understand the unwillingness to give negative Endorsements. Some of them will be deleted anyways and in some other cases People got heat for saying something other then praise. If you are not on the very Top of the rhetorical Game, you will be called a "Troll".



Consider this: if you're not intentionally making a mod designed to destroy the games it is actually harder to get negative Endorsements then positive one. Some People actually gave positive Endorsements and top Ratings before they even downloaded the mod.

On the other Hand, i saw the Comment of someone being deleted who said "this and that mod already did this better then your Mod!"



This cheapens every positive Endorsements; does this commenter actually think my mod is good or is he just "anti-Trolling" trying to make a counterpoint to possible Trolls? Does this Commenter actually think my Mod is good or is he one of those People who give every new file highest Praise just for uploading it?



Since positive Comments around here aren't worth too much i don't think there should be anything to encourage endorsements on mods.


Now if someone told me where i made Mistakes and better yet, how to iron them out, that would worth more then ten People saying "great mod, 10/10, where's the download?"

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I'd rather not rate and say why, for the simple fact, I admire anyone who gives it a try, even if it doesn't turn out so well.
I'll take this as an Example.


Are you serious? Mods can screw with your Game in ways you can't see at "first Glance" so saving very often may not be very useful in some cases. If a Mod screws with your Game, please give it a negative endorsement. I'm quite aghast that someone would actually refrain from that. If a mod is total BS, give it a negative endorsement. Just to warn others.


Of course mods can screw up our game, but no one is forcing us to download. If the modder does not give proper information about the mod or the mod is outdated, don't download it. These mods are free, no one is forced to provide support for what they make. One of the most intelligent things I red in a mod description is "Use it at your own risk!". Most of the guys who make mods have basic skills and they provide things as a result of those skills. Giving negative endorsements just to warn others ain't such a good idea. People need TO LEARN to read first and if they screw up thier game once, they will pay more attention next time they download something and stop asking so many questions that are already answered. Instead give positive criticism and let them know via your comments what you think. This way you inform both the mod author and others about the problems the mod has and mayby thanks to your nice atitude the author will try and fix the buggs.


I don't encourage excessive positive endorsing as it's a bad thing and it does not help, instead it confuses people. I don't see the point of beeing negative towards something when we could be positive, if we do enjoy/use that thing or simply neutral and ignore what we think it's not good for us, but this is just me. :)

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hippies and anarchists feel responsibility too... kinda intolerant to say they dont imo



silence can mean many things, but well never know...



you get a reminder of what you downloaded to counter that "oh damn 3h, i forgot what i did back then..."

you also have a download history



i care about endorsements since they show me if somin is generally accepted or not, not all mod makers make mods just for themselves, imo if you release things to the public more than once you want to get feedback to improve your products, wether they are free or commercial



often mods simply require other mods as the author didnt get permission to implement assets in their own mods or simply because putting the same crate in every one of your mods would be kinda retarded and only bloat the performance drain

it also reduces conflicts and time needed to create a mod... lots of pros for using mods together instead of recreating the same piece again and again...



of course mods can screw with "your" game as no mod maker can actually know in which way you modded "your "game yet, what kind of pc you have, which patch you use and so on, many factors are important for that, the most prominent being users who cant *selfcensorshiprulez* read a file called README



mods designed to destroy the game are getting deleted by the moderators usually...



you cant rate a mod anymore before downloading, you can only vote for it



if you think positive endorsements count zip then youre maybe not alone but definately not the majority...



people saying "i love your mod" make my day too, its not just telling me how to improve, everyone needs some back rubbing from time to time to keep it up, to know people acknowledge the time, sweat and money (yes money!*) put into mods is important, its the same as saying "thank you" or "please" to your grandma, she wont give you no more sweets if you didnt and you love sweets no dont you? its a common courtesy amongst social human beings to tell each other ones opinion and show respect with words where actions are not possible or feasible...




electricity, food, rent, isp, work time, tools (pc, software,additional tools like graphics tablets, etc)

my COMM mod for example would range in the 5 digit range for workhours alone for example which i could also have spent working on commissions (about 6month) and be sitting in hawaii right now

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