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Mods that stick to the lore


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I've played through vanilla Fallout 3 but am now looking for a rerun with some DLCs (except the alien one which I think seems out of place). I am also looking for some mods that improve the game. I prefer extremely well made mods that stick to the original feeling for the game and its predecessors. New lands, quests and npcs is my favorite things. I am not very interested in mods that make the game harder, add samurai weapons or tell the tale of an orc invasion. Rather I prefer quests that stick to the lore of a harsh world where people struggle. Got any tips?


Best regards


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Shameless plug here, but the mod in my sig fits the bill of what you are looking for. It is hard, but not from anything outside of regular fallout 3. You do need FOSE for it, and its only 80% finished. But its as long as any DLC and will give you many hours of game play. It has lots of puzzles, NPCs, quests, a working monorail, a new radio station, a few "new" creatures and even some voice acting. There are 12 main cells and several more smaller ones. I'm going to be updateing it in a week or two which should bring the finished percent to about 85%. I continue to work on it every day.
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The best way to look for mods that suit everyone is by going into each individual category and then searching for the top endorsed by descending order. That way you get only the top or the best mod in each category.


I would just like to point out that this method only works for mods that have been around for a while. There are also new mods that are good that don't have alot of endorsements yet. Another method is to search mods by upload date to see what's new.

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A very good point pkleiss. Some mods even have endorsements off intentionally. It is best to try mods that have been updated lately, as you can be more sure the developer is still around for support if needed.


There are a few VERY good mods with less than 200 downloads too... :)


Anyway, to stay on the style and flow of the original game, without making it harder, I would suggest you to check out FOOK2 and WMK. They add together a HUGE variety to equipment, and are very good quality mods too. Both are permanently on my load order, and will stay there... And I have played Fallout games from their predecessor Wasteland (and still play wasteland from time to time). :)


EDIT: Couldn't resist adding (being an old fart, who have the right to grumble btw), that Fallout 3 itself isn't sticking to the lore... There are mods though that make Fallouty 3 into a Fallout 3 *shakes his walking stick angrily at the game* ;)

Edited by Grandson Of Sam
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