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Looking for someone to make Jechts sword


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I've decided to realese it without a quest. Maybe some day......maybe....

Anyway here it is: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30110


For some reason endorsments are blocked :unsure:

Does anyone know how to enable them?

I don't particularly care for these kinds of weapons but I sure do like how nice and helpful you've been. Kudos to Unavi!


Regarding unexpected comments disabling, please read.




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Thank you so much LHammonds :)

I saw about the javascripts need to be enabled and now i saw that mine were disabled as they wanted to update.


Edit: I've reinstalled the javasript. Now it says it works, so i won't habe these problem it the future. Also i edited the description of the file so that is clear why there are no comments.

Thanks again LHammonds, kudo!

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There was a rather unusal problem with the texture paths on the model wich now i belive is fixed.


If you downloaded the mod before, you might need to do it again. I'm sorry for the trouble.



EDIT: the mod is now avalible...it forgot and left it hidden from public viewing, silly me :(

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