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Revamping the Megaton House.

dragon awakened

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I've tried 4 different alternative housing mods and none of them worked, two because the creators designed them with weapons inside them. Those weapons conflicted with some of my other weapon mods.


I'm not a mod and know absolutely nothing about modding.


So I was looking at the Megaton house (I'm a good Karma player so I'll never blow the place up.) How difficult would it be to reset some of the lockers and furniture? I also have very little use for Wadsworth once I get my 5 Purified Waters out of him. Perhaps Remove the robot and use that room he is stored in for extra storage (new lockers).


Would anybody be willing to discuss this? I do have a few ideas on the new house layout if you are interested in helping out a humble player.


Will do refurnishing details a bit later.

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If your modded weapons are conflicting with the house mod, perhaps you could try emptying your lockers/containers/etc, exiting the house, saving, installing the mod and then loading your save and putting everything back in its locker.


Unless you mean that the house mods weapons are conflicting with your other modded weapons? Which would be unusual ...

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Thank you for your answer. To clarify it is any weapons built into the house (underground hideout 4.4 comes to mind) that seem to affect my weapons. Most often affected is my Aliens M41A Pulse Rifle. It gets completely removed from my inventory if present or is not in its normal hidden location if not already obtained. I still have a hideout I downloaded that I need to try out perhaps this one will work out. If it does not work I'll pretty much be stuck with the Megaton house.
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