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Mod Request/idea: Skills Advancement Display


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Would it be possible (and desireable by players) to add skill-exp-bars to the right side of the screen wich display the advancement of the player's skills?


One could then see how much one improves by using a skill. For example when one blocks one could see how the bar slowly fills.

Also an option of a bar-like or digit-like display would be good.


It would also be nice (if possible) to bind that display to a button like F6 to enable/disable it.


As there are quite some skills in the game it would be too much to display all skills, and only displaying the main skills could be unfitting for some characters, so it would be good to have a possibility to select the skills to display personally.

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Would it be possible (and desireable by players) to add skill-exp-bars to the right side of the screen wich display the advancement of the player's skills?


One could then see how much one improves by using a skill. For example when one blocks one could see how the bar slowly fills.

Also an option of a bar-like or digit-like display would be good.


It would also be nice (if possible) to bind that display to a button like F6 to enable/disable it.


As there are quite some skills in the game it would be too much to display all skills, and only displaying the main skills could be unfitting for some characters, so it would be good to have a possibility to select the skills to display personally.




Or to do a tauren chracter enable???

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Andr_92, please do not try to hijack other people's threads - you have already started a thread about your Tauren idea.



As to the skill advance bar, I'm not sure whether it is possible to add extra displays to the main interface. I can see how for some skills it might be interesting to have the information on screen all the time, but I don't think I would use it - I'm quite happy tabbing into my inventory every so often to check how my skills are progressing.

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