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One More Companion Request


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Men related mods, yeas - but I don't know much about making companions either, other than as recruitable npc's using Share and Recruit by Talkie Toaster. I couldn't script my way out of a paper bag. Or indeed any other bag. :biggrin:
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Use Advanced Companions-php?id (9809) the mod allows you to make a "clone" of your current character before you exit the sewers.Make your Companion, make your character you play as when you exit the sewers.
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@Slof Sadness! If you ever need help scripting, just ask. I am still pretty noob-like modding, but so far scripting has been my strong point. I can occasionally make things do stuff. And if I'm lucky, the stuff it does is what I originally intended it to do.

@yeldarb- I've been looking for a mod that does this forever, Kudos to ye.

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you find the script used with the CM companions mod and copy it word for word for this new comp, then you create the npc and use the in construction set tools. after that place said person in game at a location like on a wooden spike or impale them on a oblivion gate :biggrin: i mean place them in the market distrect or somewhere you can find them, save it as a data for oblivion, make sure you check it and test it out in game, it should work since ive made several companions in the past that i used for... unique purposes
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i leave corpses all around tamriel


some of my companions are litteraly between a rock and a wall of spikes

and some are stuck as essensial in a torture chamber ^_^


i have much much evil

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I could never decide which of my boys I wanted to play, so I made NPC versions of each of them, then scattered them around Cyrodiil for me to find. I use Share and Recruit to butter them up and get them to follow me - this way I can enjoy looking at all my boys in one game! Share and Recruit is also handy for dressing up NPC's in nice stuff, using them as living mannequins. This is also the best way for me to get to see the few nice female items I have in the game. I don't play female characters and wouldn't see the stuff otherwise.


That solves my own personal requirements without scripting. :)

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lol that's pretty much why I ever have companions, to look at. Companions otherwise just get in my way when I'm killing stuff and start attacking me. Or I just use them, as you said, as a living mannequins/manikins [apparently they are both the correct spelling 0_o the English language baffles me again!] That having been said, I think share and recruit is a slightly better way to make companions as CM has way too many features for a living dress-up doll. I just need simple commands like follow me, gimmie your crap, stay here, don't move while I take a screenshot, and ok you're fired.
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Robert creating companions is harder than just scripts You have to make quests , quests variables , quest dialogue and more !


If you supply me with some pictures Ill try to recreate his face and apperance using the CM partners mod Its really easy to make companions with that and there are several tutorials on making companions with CM partners

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Since he's not replying, I'll post a few:


this one just made me lol: http://s-ak.buzzfed.com/static/imagebuzz/terminal01/2009/5/5/12/legolas-3640-1241542391-8.jpg

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