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Randomize Vendor Stock


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I don't know how hard it would be but I figure it'd be somewhat realistic to have vendor's exchange stock. That way, if I sold fifteen of the same gun to one guy, his stock would be dispersed among the wasteland vendors by the next day. I mean they're traders, right? They trade s*** for other s***.

Thanks for anyone willing to either attempt this or explain why it's a stupid idea and I shouldn't want it in the first place.


EDIT: I think it would also be cool if this could work in conjunction with things like containers or anything that could be searched just because there are other prospectors in the wasteland. Another small feature could be the option to have dropped items be moved to a random container/vendor that way it doesn't just clutter the roads. It would make sense that someone else could pick it up and sell it and it would make it's way around, yeah?

Edited by ItsOnlyPersonal
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