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Global warming


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The global temperature is rising.

How we know that, is because several teams of scientists(not just one) have been drilling 2000meters into the polar ice caps.

By studying this core, they have been able to make a very accurate picture of the temps. several thousand years back.

They have done this many times in different places, and they started more than 20 years ago (way before Al Gore´s campain).

When the scientists can read a temp. curve with accuracy, they can read we have had glacial periods, and inter glacial periods.

What disturbes them now, is that the latest 100 years they can read that the temp has been rising, compared to other inter glacial periods.


What have happend for the last 100 years? INDUSTRY! CARS! HOUSE WARMING/AIR CONDITIONING!


Plants use CO2 and release O2 (Oxygen) in their photosyntesys, but in their respiration it is the opposite, however with a small surplus of O2. However, "the lung of the world" the rain forrest, wich sufferes from dire extermination like conditions, is no longer the effective CO2 buffer it used to be.


I don´t know how documentary tv is in other countries, here in DK I have seen doc tv about oil companies spending billions world wide to contradict these theories about fossile fuil adding CO2 into the atmosphere.


Don´t believe all you hear around you (not even me). But keep an open mind. It is you who are young today that are going to live with it.

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As some of you probably already read, I think there is global warming.

There are too muh companies, too much cars and too much of all the stuff that produce CO2 (yeah,, even too much cows!)


And even though if there is none, we should begin to help the world a bit, cuz what is living worth in a world full of waste and dirt?

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I just heard a news story that one of the original scientists, which started the global warming thing as we know it, based his research on faulty evidence. Scientists today have only expanded on his data and messed 'global warming' even more.


As you could tell I don't think there is global warming. If you look at the weather today, 32 degrees outside here with 6 inches of snow, you can see that there is something faulty.


Where are these global warmest people now? Their in their million dollar mansion in South America or somewhere close by.

It is strange to profess global warming only when it is really, really hot outside or when the snow starts melting. Which by the way, do you know what emits CO2 the most in the world. No it's not cars or humans, not volcanoes either. It is salt water. Our water that make up the ocean.


There are the reasons I have with me now.

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As you could tell I don't think there is global warming. If you look at the weather today, 32 degrees outside here with 6 inches of snow, you can see that there is something faulty.


I always find it amazing that people will say the evidence global warming is based on is faulty and then point to the weather outside as if that is some sort of alternate proof. That's not how the scientific method works. It is very fair to say that global warming has not been proven. But that doesn't mean that global warming is therefore not happening. The naysayers haven't proven that global warming doesn't exist. We just don't know for sure.


But there is plenty of scientific evidence that global warming does happen on our planetary neighbor, Venus. Venus has a carbon dioxide rich atmosphere and a super-hot surface temperature. There is no rational debate about CO2 as a global warming agent. This is a scientific fact. All of the debate is about if global warming has started yet or at what point it will start. There is no doubt whatsoever that if we continue to spew CO2 into the atmosphere then at some point (no one knows for sure when) the earth will start to heat up. So the smart play is to begin winding down CO2 increases as soon as we can.

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Could stop breathing...fixes the CO2 problem=P


But seriously, it's near impossible to prove that something doesn't exist. You can only prove that something exists, and then prove that if Thing A exists, Thing B CAN'T exist, because Thing A exists, and Thing A and Thing B cannot both exist at the same time. Therin lies the difficulty of proving something false, and why it's so easy that so many people subscribe to the the theory of Global Warming.


And here's the thing. While Venus may bear the closest resemblence to Earth of the planets in our solar system, that doesn't make Earth the same as Venus. We have all we can handle to figure out Earth's history, let alone Venus'; we can only speculate how Venus ended up like it did...or if that's just the way it was when it was formed.

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I believe global warming exists.

I also believe global dimming exists.

Together they will make our climate more polarized.


But I also believe climate change is exagerrated and turned into a bandwagon for people to jump on.

No, I don't bring any evidence or facts 'cause frankly I can't be bothered to look for evidence which some people will claim is false "just because it is". Grahh I hate circular logic/arguments.

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I just heard a news story that one of the original scientists, which started the global warming thing as we know it, based his research on faulty evidence. Scientists today have only expanded on his data and messed 'global warming' even more.


As you could tell I don't think there is global warming. If you look at the weather today, 32 degrees outside here with 6 inches of snow, you can see that there is something faulty.


Where are these global warmest people now? Their in their million dollar mansion in South America or somewhere close by.

It is strange to profess global warming only when it is really, really hot outside or when the snow starts melting. Which by the way, do you know what emits CO2 the most in the world. No it's not cars or humans, not volcanoes either. It is salt water. Our water that make up the ocean.


There are the reasons I have with me now.


We have the most severe winter in DK for 18 years, and so does most of the Northern Hemisphere right now, ecept for Greenland and parts of Canada.

Those are temporary weather changes, caused by the polar cold zones, which can change from season to season.

This phenomenon actually belongs more to the category "Meteology" than "Climate", thus our present weather variations have nothing to do with the overall climate situation.

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We had record snowfalls not only in my area, but in many parts of the US recently.


Ironically, or perhaps just as expected, global warming denialists jumped all over it like a band of monkeys, pointing and shouting, "SEE? SEE? The Earth's obviously cooling because it's so friggin' cold! It even snowed over a foot in TEXAS!"


Unfortunately like many who don't understand what they are talking about, they either point to things that support the opposing side and say they support their view, or demand to be shown evidence that would in fact disprove the opposing side, or both. The more severe winter is actually a symptom of global warming.


There's a guy on youtube, potholer54, who has a very good series on the subject of climate change. Ah, here it is:



There are a couple of videos not included in the playlist, they should be found easily enough in the More From potholer54 box.

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You're all right to a certain extent. There is both global warming and global cooling, they happen together. I do think also, that climate change is badly overdone in recent years.


With global warming comes the man made 'responsibility' that human have to fix the problems. Lowering CO2 output is the main one. Not many people realize that the sun actually goes in cycles and has a rotation or orbit. An average of two 11 year long cycles. These cycles fluctuate from year to year. Intensity of the sun also varies during the years of these cycle. If you add the 11 year cycles and the 24.47 earth day to orbit, you find an average total cycle of roughly 70 years, which mean about every 70 years the climate due to the sun repeats itself over. Since 1970 the sunspots, the cycle, have decreased giving more heat and energy to earths atmosphere, resulting in more atmospheric concentrations of CO2, which is NOT human. In between 1645 and 1715, we had the 'Little Ice Age.' Adding 70 years to 1715 4x would give use 1995 for low sunspots till 2065.


Wow. :sleep:


My main point in the whole 'global warming' thing is that we have to much an emphasis on human fixing and to much debate if you really think about it. Human control of human output is good to a certain extent.

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you have warming in regions which have lost their ozon layer like australia for example,

then you have areas where lots of pollution dims the effect of the sun, however that heat is being reflected back and forth and ends up in the warming regions too, what the result is is that we have a very heavy polarity as rebellious mentioned,

we will face areas that are very hot and areas which will be bloody cold, not much to worry about hadnt we destroyed africa so much, anyway what the consequences of this are is terrible, due to that polarity the areas between cold and hot zones will become targets for extreme natural disasters like hurricanes, typhoons and so on as those are generated by the difference in air temperature... (actually that happnes right now)


furthermore are a few degree more in certain areas enough to melt those nifty frozen gas ressources like siberia, yellowstone, victoria lake and many others... if these bubbles actually become gas again we are seriously *banned*... and its not like some mad scientist predicted this according to what happened to the dinosaurs, we had it happen in two places in africa in the late ninetees, over night gas bubbles did burst and villages around it where silently slaughtered over night, thousands died :(

now imagine what will happen if all the methan and so on on the ocean floors rise...


we also have to face the problem of the water itself, apart from rising sea levels due to melting ice shells, crumblng alps cause no ice holds em together anymore (zugspitze for example is about to collapse... no clue hwat will happen then lol...), a few degree difference may change the currents and streams which for example keep europe warm...


yes its true this stuff happens all the time naturally but the difference is that we created a many times worse situation by our ignorant pollution of our environment, not only that each year hundreds of species die (anyone seen a luchs (mountain lion) in germany? i ve seen them when i was a kid like 20yrs back...)

we also destroy vast amounts of forest which is vital to our climate balance,

i cant open the window anymore due to the cars in front of it, have to clean them like every week, people say smoking is dangerous, lol i say inhaling while walking past a road for 10 minutes is ten times worse than a pack of cigs a day...

anybody been fishing lately? like 10yrs back you could drive up to norway and catch one fish after the other, today you can spend weeks without catching one,

still wonder why so many africans come to europe? well their food is being stolen by us cause we have none left, hence they come here where their food goes...


this list goes on and on and i just started... it makes me utterly sad to see the differenc to a world i grew up in and if i imagine my kids would have to grow up in this world i get even sadder... what is left that i could show them? what experience i made share with them?


it makes me kinda angry too because most of us dont even have the power do anything against it even if they go 100% "green" (as the media liks to say), for example could i use trains instead of cars but even they need energy and they actually destroy more bio mass than the equivalent of cars (google "frey otto" on that, great architect...), we have no real alternatives to the destructive ways or leaders and those who lead them (banks) choose for us...

for example are centralized defacation plants totally irresponsible because they mix really dirty industrial poo with your lil poop waste, however in germany for example you basicly are not allowed to build your own which would be much more cost and pollution efficent, but thats just one example, same goes for electricity, travel and so on...


its about time that we step up and take back the power to decide what would be best for our world, it cant be left in the hands of people who only see greed and power hunger as their goals in life and who give a damn about our future or that or our planet...

we wont even be able to leave it once they destroyed it, because they make science depend on money whereas we have all the ressources to even build a bloody uss enterprise and really explore space in the vain hope of finding another planet earth...


...which our leaders can then destroy too :(

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