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@maxwell and his world government

in your mind the geneva convention, anti slavery agreements or using 5.56 bullets in the nato forces all makes a world government? wow then we have quite a bunch of those -.-

the copi summit is a summit, one to agree on certain new laws regarding climate and environment protection... if thats really threatening to you, you prolly shouldnt be told that there are things like the G8 or bilderberg meetings which truly make global policies and are some kind of world governemnt, their descicions affect basicly everything not just how much oil our cars shall use in the distant future, in like 50 yrs or somin...


@uncle roe

well if you meant those hot air windmills i mentioned earlier you kinda didnt get the point... the desert is unused, those things cost basicly nothing and can generate assloads of energy, much more so than those wimpy wind plattforms we have in the north sea

but i assume you meant some freaky scientist invention like the one where we send hundreds of trillions of mirrors into space to reflect sunlight back to the sun and hence cool the earth lol...

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..... It sets up an actual and formalized world government, with sole dominion over all issues environmental.....


Seriously, the whole agreement is only about 100 pages long..... Take some time to read it before you try and argue with someone who has.


I realize that we are already bound by many international laws, the majority of which are on issues of human rights and/or are disregarded by most nations that signed those laws.


Again, those little things called facts sorta stopped your argument.....

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  On 3/17/2010 at 1:53 AM, Maxwell the Fool said:

You completely missed what I was saying there: WORLD GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! were the key words in what I just said.... It was a power play, and global warming just happened to be the justification.


I heard an interesting argument not long ago...... What is the scientists are causing panic for job security?


Oh, and it's worth mention that the climate change Al Gore was fighting for 30 years ago was global COOLING.......... Consider that for a minute.........


Disregarding the posts up until now, I must say that I do believe that world government is unavoidable at this point. It's coming... Buckle up, and prepare for Jesus.


Global Cooling is the first stage of Global Warming. That is what Al Gore is trying to say, I believe. That is why I laughed at faux news for their little Al Gore Bashing rant. Look Harder.


I am currently in 'Liberal' mode, and as such, I am with Al Gore ATM.


Now all posts regarded....


..... It sets up an actual and formalized world government, with sole dominion over all issues environmental.....


Seriously, the whole agreement is only about 100 pages long..... Take some time to read it before you try and argue with someone who has.


I realize that we are already bound by many international laws, the majority of which are on issues of human rights and/or are disregarded by most nations that signed those laws.


Again, those little things called facts sorta stopped your argument.....


Oh... right... Buckle up, and prepare for Jesus.


BTW: Not trying to be vigilante or anything, but world governments and global warming do not match up. Keep it on topic guys, or it's going to be locked...

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i can only say lol...

i dunno what kind of hemingway you read but it wasnt the copenhagen accord... because that one simply doesnt have anything close to 100 pages nor does it speak of any global government, all they do is to agree to work together in the future just like they did before and before...

its not legally binding and there is no commity that would be able to take over national government institutions...

hence they dont have the power to make a law, hence they are not a government at all...


the IMF, UN and WTO on the other hand do exactly that, they can make international laws, exchange your national ministers and basicly do the ruling for you or your government

bilderberg, G8, etc are more like shadow governments


those above btw dont do much if anything at all bout human rights, they mostly deal with finances, simply because finances rule the world and not some treehuggers or lumberjacks or even crying children...


maybe read it again...


Again, those little things called facts sorta stopped your argument.....

mmh... again? when did they ever do that?

what facts?

the fact that the accord is 100 pages long which it isnt? the fact that some dude thinks his words are facts?

kinda hillarious to be honest...

at least explain why you think that this would make a world government, im sorry but i didnt take my daily dose of lsd yet to fully follow your logic which is really hard anyway considering the massive amount of info you showed us...

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I apologize, it appears I was the victim of bad information regarding Copenhagen passed to me via the inter-webs.


Like I said. They mostly deal with human rights issues (i.e. slavery, Geneva Convention...... other "rules of warfare," impose sanctions do to violations of human rights...... It's all pretty much in the name of human rights), or else they are ignored. I never said that I was for any of the existing world governments, so simply stating that they exist does not kill my argument. The fact that Copenhagen didn't set up another such government did..... I apologize again, I was passed faulty info.


Back on topic: Global warming. I stand by what I said, it is merely a power play.


Here's a great one for you.


Recently a series of blizzards wrecked the American East coast, and area that hardly IF EVER receives snow, let alone the several feet that received. Global warming, huh? You know what their explanation was? The hot air was able to hold more moisture, so when it cooled there was a torrential fall. Here's the only problem: If it was holding so much moisture, an amount of moisture only achievable by record high temperatures, why wasn't there any rainfall or slight snowing before this? The air can't cool faster than the water can escape the cooling air, so as the air cooled, there should have been a larger amount of rainfall. Instead the opposite happened (as it would normally). The snow stopped once the temperature got out of the sweet spot for snow.


So what they are saying is, "It's only cold because it's so hot!"

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  On 3/17/2010 at 5:01 AM, Maxwell the Fool said:


Recently a series of blizzards wrecked the American East coast, and area that hardly IF EVER receives snow, let alone the several feet that received. Global warming, huh? You know what their explanation was? The hot air was able to hold more moisture, so when it cooled there was a torrential fall. Here's the only problem: If it was holding so much moisture, an amount of moisture only achievable by record high temperatures, why wasn't there any rainfall or slight snowing before this? The air can't cool faster than the water can escape the cooling air, so as the air cooled, there should have been a larger amount of rainfall. Instead the opposite happened (as it would normally). The snow stopped once the temperature got out of the sweet spot for snow.


So what they are saying is, "It's only cold because it's so hot!"


Actually, it rained down here in the south before it snowed. It rained, and rained, and rained, and rained, and rained, and rained..... We had soo many flash floods it was silly. Luckily my county has the blessing of god, and never floods no matter how hard it rains. Then a few days later. Snow, and it snowed, and snowed, and snowed, and snowed, and snowed, and snowed, and snowed. Weather is a tricky subject. It as no true pattern, and is hard to predict. Even more so with climate shifting.


Remember, we have had odd hurricanes. droughts galore, and irregular snow lately. California (probably El Nino), and Georgia suffered from a ton of droughts before getting rain. Louisiana is now a wrecking-ball state, and recently the north is under attack from snow. Wild stuff....


I won't bring science into this post ATM, but I will after a good night's sleep.

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  On 3/17/2010 at 5:01 AM, Maxwell the Fool said:

I apologize, it appears I was the victim of bad information regarding Copenhagen passed to me via the inter-webs.


Like I said. They mostly deal with human rights issues (i.e. slavery, Geneva Convention...... other "rules of warfare," impose sanctions do to violations of human rights...... It's all pretty much in the name of human rights), or else they are ignored. I never said that I was for any of the existing world governments, so simply stating that they exist does not kill my argument. The fact that Copenhagen didn't set up another such government did..... I apologize again, I was passed faulty info.


Back on topic: Global warming. I stand by what I said, it is merely a power play.


Here's a great one for you.


Recently a series of blizzards wrecked the American East coast, and area that hardly IF EVER receives snow, let alone the several feet that received. Global warming, huh? You know what their explanation was? The hot air was able to hold more moisture, so when it cooled there was a torrential fall. Here's the only problem: If it was holding so much moisture, an amount of moisture only achievable by record high temperatures, why wasn't there any rainfall or slight snowing before this? The air can't cool faster than the water can escape the cooling air, so as the air cooled, there should have been a larger amount of rainfall. Instead the opposite happened (as it would normally). The snow stopped once the temperature got out of the sweet spot for snow.


So what they are saying is, "It's only cold because it's so hot!"



I suggest you to follow a meteorology course. Hot air rises faster into cooler altitudes, thus cools faster. Result: snow :thumbsup:

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