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Global warming


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To add to the "bad science" talk, when it comes to Global Warming...well, we just don't have enough information. :confused: I mean, we have less than 100 years worth of temperature data, we know more about the moon than our own ocean, and if we can't even predict the weather in 15 days, what makes you think anybody can predict what the weather's gonna be like in 100 years? :rolleyes:



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To add to the "bad science" talk, when it comes to Global Warming...well, we just don't have enough information. :confused: I mean, we have less than 100 years worth of temperature data, we know more about the moon than our own ocean, and if we can't even predict the weather in 15 days, what makes you think anybody can predict what the weather's gonna be like in 100 years? :rolleyes:







and lets not forget the multitudes of these.


100 years? Really?

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I don't think anyone here is arguing against greener technology, because pollution is very real. We're arguing against global warming, not the entire green movement!


Also, the Earth is well within natural trends, and anyone with a mild background in advertising will see in any of Mr. Gore's charts that there are basic perception-altering methods at play here. If you want to dispute that then please do, and link to the chart so that I can expose the lies.


Have you seen the signs popping up in schools? Asking children to "Pledge Allegiance to the Planet?" Really? We're gonna get the little kids involved, so they can talk to their parents and get them to be for green technology, because, after all, it's for the children?!!! This is a very simple tactic: Control the kids, control their parents!!!!! Check out some of Obama's campaign videos ("The Talk"), which tell kids why they should go to there parents and have a "Parent-Child conversation, but you're the parent and they (you're parents) are the child.


This is being turned into a political issue to be fought on a political battlefield. IDIOCY!!! If "The science is settled" (as Mr. Gore would have us believe) then why is it that the scientific community is divided???


Oh, and good ol' Al was caught on tape telling kids that "Your generation knows things that the older generation-you parents- just don't understand. So you need to explain it to them. Tell them why it's a good thing!"


Do you think that they're going to "Let this crisis go to waste?"

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Do you think that they're going to "Let this crisis go to waste?"


Why yes, yes they are. For the sake of not converting to new styles of energy that are more expensive 'they' are going to let it go to waste.


-Rant Mode-


LOLOLOLOL FAUX NEWS!!!! They are so Republican!


Al Gore gets owned 1!1!!!1one


The United States of Corporate America will use any chance to destroy gore, and global warming. They have a budget on the line, and are not afraid to save it. Whether it's true or not, we will not even ponder the fact. Half the scientists funded by the Republicans say it doesn't exist. Half the Scientists that are Liberal say it's a problem.


In Europe, it's a problem...

Copenhagen Summit


How about everyone minus America?


Silly non-Americans. they must be missing out on something, Amirite?


I guess since we're America, we are right about the nonexistence of Global Warming. We're too worried about Global Warmongering!!!


-End Rant-


Sorry bout that. My Democrat came out again...

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..... The purpose of the Copenhagen Summit was to establish a world government with the authority to enforce climate oriented law.


Climate? Oh, my bad. Climate has nothing to do with global warming.




"Copenhagen is essential for the worlds climate and the Danish government and UNFCCC is putting hard effort in making the meeting in Copenhagen a success ending up with a Copenhagen Protocol to prevent global warming and climate changes."


It's actually quite relevant, and my facts are straight. Copenhagen will never get anything finished, but it deals with global warming.


and it is going no where. Time for a new political topic?

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Spending millions of dollars on giant fans to build in the desert is a waste of money and an insult to human intelligence.. sad.. really sad lol..


If you by "fans" mean windmills, they can produce electricity cheaper and "cleaner" than power plants. They can actually be very efficient in low populated areas. :thumbsup: However they can only be counted as an addition to several energy sources.

As for how they are an insult, I fail to see what you mean. :wacko:

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You completely missed what I was saying there: WORLD GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! were the key words in what I just said.... It was a power play, and global warming just happened to be the justification.


I heard an interesting argument not long ago...... What is the scientists are causing panic for job security?


Oh, and it's worth mention that the climate change Al Gore was fighting for 30 years ago was global COOLING.......... Consider that for a minute.........

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*off topic*

@Maxwell the Fool

Bro, you're wasting your breath. Browse through a couple of the other debate threads. One Global Government, Social Justice and like-minded mindsets are a 'good' thing. And I've already read several posts in this thread that can be easily debunked. To what purpose? Awh, the hell with it. :thumbsup:

*on topic*


4.5 billion years for Earth > 200,000 for mankind


The planet is flux. IS the climate changing? YES/PROBABLY/MAYBE/WHATEVER. Change is constant. There is a science called paleontology that has PROVEN climate changes happen without MAN. And that's the facts. Anything else is supposition and conjecture.

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