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Adding a Dead NPC as Quest Starter


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I'm thinking of creating a -smallish- quest, just to test and expand my modding skills.

The Lone Wanderer is to find a Dead NPC in a certain location; on the body is an item that will start the quest.

But how do I add a dead npc to the game? I've been experimenting -mind you, I do not intend to release the mod, I merely want to learn more modding skills- with a Terminator from the Cybernetic Dawn mod.

A) I don't want the dead NPC to be a playable race. Could even be a dead creature. Is that possible?

B) How can I properly position the dead NPC; sofar I have edited a "DeadSettler" into a Terminator, but when I put it into the renderwindow, it's simply standing. But I need it to be somewhat sprawled on the ground, or across a workbench, or table, or slumped over in a chair?

The dead NPC that I put into the render window, can be rotated along the Z-axis, but the X & Y are not responsive. (Tried to put a broken down Terminator in the RobCo Factory cellspace.)

Now I've seen Argyle -the Ghoul who travelled with Herbert "Daring" Dashwood- in the GECK render window. That's a good example of how I'd like the dead NPC to be found.

Any help or insight would be appreciated.

The FAQ Forum (of FO3) is linking to helpful guides and Tutorials, but the links go nowhere.

Can someone recommend some good tutorials or guides, on how to use NifSkope for 3D modelling (and texturing, with another program I suppose).

Mind you, I'm someone who's never done anything at all in regard to making custom meshes and textures.

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For tutorials, go to both Fallout3, New Vegas and even Obilivion, and using the search function, use "tutorial" in the "File name contains" or "File description contains".


For adding a dead NPC that starts a quest, this was done in Shadows and Dust http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/17399/?


For 3D modeling, you should use Blender http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/30/?


For texturing (something I have never done), I have heard that GIMP is good. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/32/?


Hope this helps.

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For tutorials, go to both Fallout3, New Vegas and even Obilivion, and using the search function, use "tutorial" in the "File name contains" or "File description contains".


For adding a dead NPC that starts a quest, this was done in Shadows and Dust http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/17399/?


For 3D modeling, you should use Blender http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/30/?


For texturing (something I have never done), I have heard that GIMP is good. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/32/?


Hope this helps.


Thanks ! I think I'll be very busy for a while!

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Adding a dead NPC is super easy. Just copy an existing dead NPC in the GECK (double click it's name, then give it a unique ID and hit ok. Say "yes" to creating a new FormID). Then open up your new NPC, make any changes you want, such as their outfit, their face, etc. Make sure "No low level processing" is checkmarked. Give them 0 health, but also attach the following script to them, to guarantee they start dead:

scn DeadNPCScript

begin gamemode



You can change "DeadNPCScript" to whatever name you want to give the script, just make sure it's unique. That's all there is to it. When you're ready to place them into the game world, just select them in the list and drag them into the Render window. Then click on the render window to make sure it's selected, go to "World" in the menubar, then select "Run Havok Sim". This will make them drop to the ground with ragdoll physics, so they land in a more natural way. Repeat as needed until you're happy with how they look.

Edited by Animositisomina
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Adding a dead NPC is super easy. Just copy an existing dead NPC in the GECK (double click it's name, then give it a unique ID and hit ok. Say "yes" to creating a new FormID). Then open up your new NPC, make any changes you want, such as their outfit, their face, etc. Make sure "No low level processing" is checkmarked. Give them 0 health, but also attach the following script to them, to guarantee they start dead:

scn DeadNPCScript

begin gamemode



You can change "DeadNPCScript" to whatever name you want to give the script, just make sure it's unique. That's all there is to it. When you're ready to place them into the game world, just select them in the list and drag them into the Render window. Then click on the render window to make sure it's selected, go to "World" in the menubar, then select "Run Havok Sim". This will make them drop to the ground with ragdoll physics, so they land in a more natural way. Repeat as needed until you're happy with how they look.

Just what the doctor ordered! Sorry, bad pun. But yes, When I read your how-to, it is clear that this is indeed supereasy; just knowing exactly how, is the tricky bit. And thanks to you, this will save me days of demonstrating my ineptitude to myself. Because, honestly, I'd never would have come close to this in a million years. My search in the GECK Help pages did not yield anything, but that could be attributed to me failing to add the correct search tag. This is one of the very reasons I love the Nexus Sites -the exchange of ideas, concepts and people who are willing to patiently answer questions, or hand-tailor tutorials and guides, so even a total noob like me can understand what the correct steps are into getting something done.


So, thank you. I've already copied and pasted your explanation into my "how-to-mod" folder.

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