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Hi, my name is Trandoshan


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I joined nearly two years ago, but I never made one of these. Now that I have recently become active on these boards, I think an introduction is Necessary.


4 years ago, Morrowind blew me away with its wonderfulness. Now, Bethesda has me by the neck. When they say jump, I ask how high. My favorite Game Series is TES. I dislike Dragon Age, because I had already been worn out by KOTOR I and II. I have to be able to swing the sword, shoot the gun, and cast the spell myself. Click and swing games are the life for me. Oblivion has also corrupted my sense of what a good game is. No Argonians, Dark Elves, or Orcs? No hours of endless play? No huge world to explore down to the last detail, and then detail your own? Go to H#@#.


For this reason, I don't know much about other games. The world outside of Tamriel is so scary.


Oh, and thanks again Bethesda for making me a basement dweller. F#*(&$(#*&....


Good to meet you all, Let's all be friends? :smile: :smile: :smile:

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I joined nearly two years ago, but I never made one of these. Now that I have recently become active on these boards, I think an introduction is Necessary.


4 years ago, Morrowind blew me away with its wonderfulness. Now, Bethesda has me by the neck. When they say jump, I ask how high. My favorite Game Series is TES. I dislike Dragon Age, because I had already been worn out by KOTOR I and II. I have to be able to swing the sword, shoot the gun, and cast the spell myself. Click and swing games are the life for me. Oblivion has also corrupted my sense of what a good game is. No Argonians, Dark Elves, or Orcs? No hours of endless play? No huge world to explore down to the last detail, and then detail your own? Go to H#@#.


For this reason, I don't know much about other games. The world outside of Tamriel is so scary.


Oh, and thanks again Bethesda for making me a basement dweller. F#*(&$(#*&....


Good to meet you all, Let's all be friends? :smile: :smile: :smile:



Hello there and officially welcome to The Nexus Forums.

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