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Creating plugin for body replacer


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I have meshes for a body I want to use but no plugin data. I wanted to use the ebe light guts body as I like all the armor mods for it but sadly I couldn't find so I contacted one of the makers of a mod I like and he gave me the meshes but sadly no plugin data or bsa file.


I just need help with either making the mod or if some one could do it for me. I would very much appreciate it^.^


-Thanks- CK

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For body replacers there is no "plugin" in the classic sense. They "Replace" bodies. That is, you just put the new meshes and textures where they belong in your data folder. You said "meshes," but I'm hoping that also means the textures.


However, body replacers can typically be used with other textures, and there are texture replacers out there specifically for this.


If you don't have the textures, do a quick search and see if it comes up with anything you like.



BTW, the meshes go in \data\meshes\characters\_male. There is only one basic body for all races, with tails, heads, ears, eyes, etc. being the only thing that is different about the various races.


However, each race can have it's own texture \data\textures\characters\whatever race

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The only purpose of body replacer plugin is to re-assign body textures to each race, for giving different texture per race, or avoiding problem like messed-up Khajiit body texture(Khajiit male and female share same foot texture, while most of body replacers use foot texture as body texture, may cause screwed skin texture for either gender).
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You'll find just copying a new body in over the old works too, seeing as they are usually just like for like replacers. Having said that, I would use OMOD anyways (well, ~I~ wouldn't because I tend to use Wrye Bash's BAIN installers, but hey) just so you can see its installed and save yourself any future problems with uninstallation. Get used to using these "advanced", if you like, installers for pretty much everything. They'll save you hours of work and effort in the long run.



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