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FO3 or Morrowind w/ Mods...


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Hi, just finished DAO again..with mods the 2nd time.


I've played all the Fallout's and Oblivion/Morrowinds over the years...now I want to replay either Morrowind, GOTY or Fallout 3 again, this time with mods....Any thoughts on which one to go for with mods installed this time....some thoughts on which game you'd pick and why....assuming you've played them both, at least once, with mods..


Re FO3....I know it was part of the dev's plan...but, are there any mods to liven up some of the wasteland or indoor places....absolutely everything, everywhere was soooo bleak...even my room in the fancy hotel couldn't be brightened up...again, I understand why it's done this way, but some color, lively enviornments...at least here and there, to break up the bleakness, would be nice. And the faces...whoa


I saw over 8000 files for Fallout..wow...what a community...I looked for a category, and searched under "enviornment" without much luck... I did find a D.C. weather mod. Any others??


Mods for Morrowind look fantastic too...so, please, if you have time, give me your thoughts.



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This will come down to personal taste. If I had to replay the three games, I would totally go for Fallout 3. I love guns!


As for the mods that you're looking for, there's no mod that livens up interiors, instead you have mods that are for the outdoors. Here are some:


http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10045 (Fallout Street lights - wasteland)

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8069 (Fallout street lights)

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10607 (Dynamic weather)

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6170 (Rain and snow)

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6341 (Project beauty - to improve all the uglies)

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10863 (Better sound FX mod - try out my mod for more variety of sounds)

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hmmm..rain and snow and nicer faces...that'll help. Didn't anybody else miss the color?


Personal opionions are what I want regarding Morrowind goty and Fallout 3.


Which one would be easier to Mod..regarding install and mod conflict glitches..


I read about the FOMM and the one for Morrowind. Sounds confusing. I tried to download the Mod Manager for DAO, I opened it with Zip..and that was it....I never was able to get the user interface to display and ended up using the DAO Updater.


Afraid I'd have the same issue with the managers for MW or FO3...and from what I read, if you're not careful....especially with the "order"......fubar....my computer savy is limited and a bunch of what I read, is daunting....



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Hey thanks..less bugs for me...


Just found my Neverwinter nights..1 and 2....I see a ton of mods for these also...have you played either with mods...Do you feel the Mods change most games to warrant playing through for a 3 time....


Just some personal thoughts would be great....

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  • 2 weeks later...

It totally depends on what kind of experience you are after, If you want fun and eye candy the FO3 and oblivion, if you want depth and immersion then Morrowind cannot be beaten. Period.


To me, Fallout 3 and Oblivion are nice to play but Morrowind is home to those who know it, and has fond memories of me trying to figure out the construction set (Morrowinds GECK) for the first time.


On a full play through with all things discovered looted and completed, Fallout 3 will give you perhaps around 110-40 hours of solid play but does have the potential to be different on each play through depending on your actions, but that requires a new character each time too,


Oblivion maybe 100-140 depending on your play style and is fairly linear (no matter what you do the plot remains the same) but seems to have Far more extensive support from the modding communtiy, which is its saving grace.


On the Other hand Morrowind will be more like 250-400 hrs (Beth actually claimed 500 on the box but I think thats a stretch), (no fast travel cheats here, only from going to travel links like the Siltstrider ports and it cost you money too.) before mods I'm talking here by the way.

Also in Morrowind there is the whole mainland (modded, not just mournhold dlc) to explore too. and the mods are battle hardened having stood the test of time, though there is still alot of new content being generated for it.



And lets not forget the crash issues with Fallout 3 and Oblivion which seem to be a feature of the havok engine amongst other things that they share. :wallbash:



The real issue I have (and I know I'm not alone) is that Both Fallout 3 and Oblivion feel Dumbed down by comparison, but Fallout 3 does have something Morrowind doesn't, and I'm not talking about the Karma system, although the layers of immersion that adds are pretty sweet, no in Fallout 3 the characters have convincing emotions and personalities and what you do has real affect on the outcome of the game, though this is a feature that it shares with Morrowind (though to a much lesser extent in morrowind, e.g. the Dunmer great houses). For these reasons I find Fallout 3 very hard to leave alone despite the crashes and the dumbed down feel. For the immersion Factor though Fallout 3 does one other thing going for it, it is a situation that could potentially happen one day.


Because of mods like MGE and others like it there is little to no difference graphically between the three, not that you should be considering a game on its graphical prowess anyway but its nice to have isn't it. :smile


If I could take the innovative features of Oblivion (not so much) and Fallout 3 and marry them to the Epic storylines and feel and depth of Morrowind then I would have a game where I would likely only stop playing to eat, and perhaps sleep from time to time. You know just hook me up matrix style lol.


I have all three installed and make regular visits to all of them while occaisonally visting (C&C 3 Epic story telling) and Skies of Akkadia (just epic and manga style too) and very occaisionally I still play Panzer Dragoon Saga. But Bethesda have me as a long term customer, what can I say I'm hooked on their style of making games. :thumbsup:


Getting back to the topic though :rolleyes: as I previously mentioned it really does depend on how you play.


Edit: I would and do infact heartily recomend you play all three all the way through several times, that should actually keep you rather busy and out of boredom for many years to come lol.

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Doubt any game will come close to the amount of time I spent playing Morrowind and I still believe to only have covered 50% of the original GOTY content, let alone mods. The Lgn project was fantastic, a shame something similar hasn't been done for Fallout to my knowledge :-/


Just walking through Tamriel Rebuilt as well, Havish, Sea of Destiny, Lokken Mountain, fighting off the Titans that made Gargantuans make look like whimps both in size and strength, where the factions you joined and advanced in all invoked different reactions from all other factions in the game... If you can get ahold of most of the better Morrowind Mods, that'd definitely be my suggestion.


Those oblivion guys here should play it just to find out what was so special about Daedric, and the upper tier armors in general lol.

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