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Modders Resource: Remington 1858 New Army


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I could really use a Remington 1858 New Army revolver model is any of you gifted modellers and gun buffs were so inclined,



And sure, it's a percussion revolver not cartridge but this is a game not a history sim :blush: so anyone who really enjoys minutiae could express it with details of the two tone model here.



A blued or black cylinder and barrel, and a grey cylinder housing. But I'd be more than satisfied with a lot less.. If anyone can do the model and the textures I'll try to take it from there. Oh yea, I'm trying to make this location for the game;



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Look on FO3 nexus for Spagetti Western


Thank you but I've pulled it out of Someguy's New Vegas Bounties mod, a really nice model by DavidRiggs and Kitteh. And as light relief from the GECK messing about in Audacity and Adobe Premier. to see if I cant get some Spaghetti Western gunshot sounds like these;


''Dollars Trilogy'' Gun Sound Effects


It's that hypersonic 'squeaky' shot I like :laugh: that we most recently heard in Django Unchained

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