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Proof of Multiplayer


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Idk. I am going to see if I can use something else. If worse comes to worse, I will call the game's own function(s) directly to get realistic movement.
You could try using AI packages to do a very ghetto form of dead-reckoning. For example, you could have a travel package on the NPC representing Player B in Player A's client, and move the package target according to where Player B is on his own client. I doubt that would be entirely practical, though; just sort of brainstorming.
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I need testers. I also am rather upset at how long this is taking. I have spent so much time on this that I am ready to give up at any moment if I don't see some more interest . I am so sick of it all. I want to quit and quit now. But I also won't let myself give up . I absolutely must see something more come of my work, but that isn't quite possible when I face so much daily frustrations.


I want to restart the entire project so bad. I want to delete my .esp and re-invent everything from the ground up. But that wouldn't be enough. The server needs some work, and the network code backing the client needs ALOT OF WORK. Ontop of it all are so many design flaws I need to revisit. Nothing is fun anymore and I believe the ETA for this project is now double anything I could imagine before.


I might just walk away from this for a couple days until I feel better. I hope someone or something will make me feel welcome when I decide to continue. Expect no progress until maybe after the weekend.

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If you need a tester, I volunteer. I emailed you a while back but didn't get a response, not sure if you didn't get it or what. but yeah, just pm me if needed.


You will neeed FOSE 1.2. Also contact me on msn or yahoo. As in use a messenger, because it is easier for communicating

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I need testers. I also am rather upset at how long this is taking. I have spent so much time on this that I am ready to give up at any moment if I don't see some more interest . I am so sick of it all. I want to quit and quit now. But I also won't let myself give up . I absolutely must see something more come of my work, but that isn't quite possible when I face so much daily frustrations.


You should know one thing about modding or programming. The feedback you will get from users will never be anything compared to the work you do. There are many mods and other stuff online, that took the creator many weeks or even months and often they only get a couple of thumps up or are ignored completly. And this will happen to you also, if your multiplayer mod doesn't run 100% like supposed. This is, what proberbly will happend:


1. You release a Beta

2. There is some interest, people downloading, but still many flaws, so people try it 5 min and delete it afterwards

3. Proberbly you loose interest at this point, proberbly you continue...

4. A few months and many hours later you release an update. It's better, but still has flaws

5. Interest of people is gone. They still remember it as the multiplayer, that don't work. They dont download.




So, whatever you do, don't do it for fame or for the community or anybody else than yourself. If it frustrates you now, take a break, get back on it, if you feel like that some day. May it be in 3 weeks, may it be in 1 year, it doesn't matter. You said, you doing it for fun, already forget about it? That's the only goal you should aiming for.


Don't think anyone is waiting for your mod or push you to hurry up. Exiting words from users in forums don't mean a lot. I've seen it a tousend times. People give words of encourage in forums like "amazing" "can't wait" "freaking awesome" but if it comes to a release, they don't care anymore. They see, it isn't what they was hoping for in their wet dreams, and then their interest is gone.


Internet users are consume zombies. So, take your interests and your life first and put the "fame" of the net on the very last. But if fame bothers you, better go and create a mod about sex or violance and at best, both...


Well, you don't get me wrong I hope, just want point you, that it's not worth the trouble, if you dont get personal fun out of it.

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There is no doubt, that many people are interested in a working multiplayer, but that doesn't help him, does it?

But there is doubt, that many people interested in a multiplayer, that have flaws and limitations compared to singleplayer.

Give him another year of development on a healthly level and you might get something useful.

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I need testers. I also am rather upset at how long this is taking. I have spent so much time on this that I am ready to give up at any moment if I don't see some more interest . I am so sick of it all. I want to quit and quit now. But I also won't let myself give up . I absolutely must see something more come of my work, but that isn't quite possible when I face so much daily frustrations.


You should know one thing about modding or programming. The feedback you will get from users will never be anything compared to the work you do. There are many mods and other stuff online, that took the creator many weeks or even months and often they only get a couple of thumps up or are ignored completly. And this will happen to you also, if your multiplayer mod doesn't run 100% like supposed. This is, what proberbly will happend:


1. You release a Beta

2. There is some interest, people downloading, but still many flaws, so people try it 5 min and delete it afterwards

3. Proberbly you loose interest at this point, proberbly you continue...

4. A few months and many hours later you release an update. It's better, but still has flaws

5. Interest of people is gone. They still remember it as the multiplayer, that don't work. They dont download.




So, whatever you do, don't do it for fame or for the community or anybody else than yourself. If it frustrates you now, take a break, get back on it, if you feel like that some day. May it be in 3 weeks, may it be in 1 year, it doesn't matter. You said, you doing it for fun, already forget about it? That's the only goal you should aiming for.


Don't think anyone is waiting for your mod or push you to hurry up. Exiting words from users in forums don't mean a lot. I've seen it a tousend times. People give words of encourage in forums like "amazing" "can't wait" "freaking awesome" but if it comes to a release, they don't care anymore. They see, it isn't what they was hoping for in their wet dreams, and then their interest is gone.


Internet users are consume zombies. So, take your interests and your life first and put the "fame" of the net on the very last. But if fame bothers you, better go and create a mod about sex or violance and at best, both...


Well, you don't get me wrong I hope, just want point you, that it's not worth the trouble, if you dont get personal fun out of it.

Well spoken and 100% true. There are a bunch of mods which are under ratet or even ignored though the work behind is simply awesome. So most people don't know how painfull modding can be ^^.

If I could give you an advice: never hope to get a response, do not do the whole thing because you think somebody would like it. Do it only for yourself and because you want it that way. Yeah, and then the day you relase the mod some spoiled dumb ass just gives you a thumbs down with a commend like "this mod suxx" cause he/she simply wasn't able to spend the 2 minutes to read the readme or sth. I've seen a lot of these guys and yeah, they are all banned xD

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