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Proof of Multiplayer


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Well spoken and 100% true. There are a bunch of mods which are under ratet or even ignored though the work behind is simply awesome. So most people don't know how painfull modding can be ^^.


It would be kind of a task to analyse the mechanics behind what mods get popular and what mods get ignored.

Lets compare for example Fellout vs. Wasteland Moods. Both mods do the same, but Wasteland Moods has a much higher Diversity and even includes Weathertypes similar to Fellout. Nonetheless is Fellout far more popular and is in most cases the one and only recommend weathermod by users. I wonder if the slight difference both mods have is enough to make a distance of 800 endorsements... and not lets forget, that a mod like fellout could be done in a couple of hours if you good in tweaking a few values.


So, quality or working-time is nothing of matter, it's all about fitting the taste of the crowd at the right moment. Not sure if a multiplayer mod could reach that, but I belive it has to be nearly perfect and self-explanatory in use to stand a chance.

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I think it could have sth to do how the user tend to use the filebase. E.g, there are just too many files up to browse it efficiently. So the Wasteland Moods might just start with an unlucky letter? Another point might be how often the Mod gets "bumped" by updates or how it is linked/present on different webpages. So if you have sth like a good public relations ... xD

Dunno, but yeah there are some cases there a Mod with a "less quality" getts a better public. Might be cause its just more often suggested by users or because it is just more present in other ways. At least you can say the downloaders are a realy lazy folks. It's always the same. Only about 1% of the downlaoders are commenting or rating a mod.

Think it would be a good idea to implement a feature like "the mod of the day" or sth which gives every mod the chance to stand a whole day on the mainpage of the filebase. Just like a random feature, to get some of the unknown mods into the focus of attention.

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Think it would be a good idea to implement a feature like "the mod of the day" or sth which gives every mod the chance to stand a whole day on the mainpage of the filebase. Just like a random feature, to get the unknown mods in focus the attention.


hey, not a bad idea... but there is also a downside. Its a bit odd if a Placeholder of 2008 gets Mod of the Day :biggrin:

There would have to be some filters for that.


Another idea would be, that some users could get a jury status, if they wish so.

As a Jury Member, they get another voting system and can rate a mod by a few criteria not depending on personal taste.

Now other users can sort the mods by endorsements or jury member votes.

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I am making a mod, for fallout 3, which will be multiplayer, but will only have completely new content only. I want to know some of your ideas .


Know this:

-All UI will be stripped out and replaced with UI that doesn't pause game. (NO VATS)

-The theme is an Interstellar Post-Apocalyptic Adventure.


Thats all I can say for now. I need to go sleep.

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why you not just play this one: http://fonline2238.blogspot.com/

It is a online MMORPG in Fallout world and made on a professionel level.

Or, why not ask there to join the team if you skilled in programming.


Are you talking to me or what?


-I have played it and it wasn't interesting enough to me.

-They reused all assets from Fallout 1 and 2. Boring.

-2D. Not worth my time.

-I don't care if it was professionally made .

-The game is already completed.

-There is a reason I selected Fallout 3 and the GECK as my choice. PREFERENCE.



Edit: "

We decided to move the FOnline engine from a pure 2d to a 2.5d engine,"


Still means nothing.

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