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Sexlivion + Pregnancy


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Nice starting Script .. i dont understand (well i do but don't) it but looks good



One question thuogh ...We need it to work with female Npc ..When you are a Man lol


and useing the Book that already in game will tell you what races can have Offspring ( no idea how that will effect custom races thuogh)

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One question thuogh ...We need it to work with female Npc ..When you are a Man lol


The problem with that specifically is that you can't apply a script to every Female NPC in the game. It's impossible. It would be better to focus on immersing specifically with the female aspect, and leaving it to a base set chance... I will start scripting the 'male' portion of the mod later, but please understand, I rate myself as an apprentice in scripting (and just barely at 25 pts of skill.)


Not to mention since I am the only person modding this, I have no real direction. I haven't really organized this, because there is no guarantee that it will actually go anywhere. I'll do what I can. That's all.


I have made a simple child that can be re-textured several ways to look like other races... It's equip able, and connects to the back of the player based on the testing I did in Anvil. I'd rather drop it, though, and use telekinesis to send it to Bruma. It's that ugly. :yucky:


On a serious note, I have a basic script that carries out the basic function of pregnancy. I have yet to implement any stat penalties to the script, but it works on any NPC and not just the player. It's still rudimentary, of course. I've also drawn (Not tested, yet.) up a script that will kill the unborn child if the player takes excessive amounts of damage. Armor that is equipped will reduce the chance of it happening (Not sure how to make it run... maybe (Armor Health x Armor Rating / 2) x current health of npc? each calculation would run per-hit (Not sure how to make this function happen specifically. I plan to do this by adding an object to the current pregnant woman, and having a script detect if the NPC that is getting attacked has that object, and applying the script to her. Still not sure if it will work correctly, but will fill the void that all of those abortionists have. :closedeyes:


and useing the Book that already in game will tell you what races can have Offspring ( no idea how that will effect custom races thuogh)


Your talking about a book that you read that determines which races can inter-breed and the likes??? I mused about inter-racial breeding, and looked around for mods that had the 'half-races' in them. I concluded that it was too much work for anyone. Instead, the race of the offspring should reflect the mother completely. If someone else who takes up the charge wants to do inter-racial breeding in more depth, more power to him. I'm too busy to do this all myself. Sorry...


Alright, back to headache land... Keep it real.

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and all the Script would have to do at the star or w/e would be


If isplayer Pc male or is playerfemale


that's my theory idea ...but yet i aint a scripter hehe


becuase all it is in the construction set is a Tick on the npc edit box "X" is female


Now do u have Ur script by itself working ?? the main goal is to get it added onto Sexlivion ...somehow as an after script



meh 3 am sleepp *ohhfff*




also the pc or male or w/e will just be brought to a Race selection screen for there child ..and poof .. or something like that



main goal really is to get the Scripting the eye candy can wait



oh 199 posts :O

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From What I have read in this topic it seems like trying to make this a part of Sexlivion is more of a problem then it is worth. You might want to consider using some other mod that has sex in it or even making one yourself.


If you do really want this to be realistic then you pretty much need to have rape and abortion and the like in it. Of course this is still a game so you don't have to have them. On the same not protection in the world of Oblivion could be 100% effective, after all they do have people hurling around fire balls and shooting electricity from their hands :D


I would gladly help with this mod, but I'm no scripter ... don't even know where to begin.


As for how to tell if the character is pregnant... didn't you already code in an indicator saying that the character is pregnant? I'm not sure if it works that way for oblivion's scripting, but I know in C++ you could simply use that to determine if the female is pregnant or not.



Gene Saika

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If it helps, everyone involved with this topic should get informed on this all:


  • Read the book in the game "Notes on Racial Phylogenie" (or however it's spelled)
  • Get the Sexlivion mod (the one that allows females to have sex with males or females; it's hard to find)
  • Consider the timeline and thus does research on medival times, but consider huge leeway for magicks and soforth

That seems about it for now. Other than that good work/ideas people.


-Ashura, the Chimera

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main goal really is to get the Scripting the eye candy can wait


Good, because I suck at everything other than scripting, and my scripting is horrible itself. The most in-depth script I have ever done is making a bowl float around my npc. I'm certainly still learning.

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main goal really is to get the Scripting the eye candy can wait


Good, because I suck at everything other than scripting, and my scripting is horrible itself. The most in-depth script I have ever done is making a bowl float around my npc. I'm certainly still learning.


haha yeah tha'ts cool thuogh


But yeah ...all the Makin baby script would have to do is somehow just ....Run after the Sexlivion Script ends

Oh BTW i have the Sexlivion that has the male and girl stuff in English :)

I still think working with sexlivion is better because iT IS the best in the animations the script everything well done any other Sex mod is just text .


but really the Goal of this thread should be just to get the Making babie script to work with sexlivion (man and gals) to work ..

and then BAM mission Complete



the race chosseing screen can just be the Making babie script itself aswell


then all the Mesh/animnations can be added

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Just a suggestion:


instead of trying to make heads or tails of the complicated Sexlivion scripts, why not simply use Friends & Lovers? It is much more approachable and fairly easy to edit.


As for Sexlivion, instead of editing the actual scripts, why not add a script that checks if the "sex" script has been finished (i.e. did you get "sperm potions" and how many), to determine the chance for conception in that mod? That way you can even do coitus interruptus ;)

And last but not least, i do not think "abortion" is needed at all when you make it a choice to get pregnant in the first place. Like add a message "want to get pregnant?" after the act. That would also solve the contraception issue.

At least initially, you can always add in the other "realism" stuff later i guess.

I also think that if a NPC gets pregnant she should be set to essential for the time.


Just suggestions. I personally use both Sexlivion (for girls), and Friends and Lovers (1.51 translated by me and google ;) and would absolutely love a pregnancy mod, but you don't need to go overboard with it. Everything else can be modded in later i believe.


(oh and please allow for girl/girl pregnancies, or least make it easy to take out the code that would prohibit it ;)



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