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What quest causes earthquakes/rumbling in Riften? Bug?


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  • 2 months later...

At Steam some1 says its a Dawnguard issue either part of a quest or somethin to do with Dawnguard - Lost to the Ages...earthquakes are driving me nuts especially during fights...monster dont fall over and get 2-3 free shots so if they are hardcore earthquakes basically kills you.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't have any expansion/dlc installed at all, (recent newcomer to Skyrim,) and Riften has been vibrating on every fresh visit since my very first footstep into it.


I had no involvement with the Thieves Guild at that time, had not spoken to (looked at or thought about) anyone on the streets etc. Had not opened or thought about opening any doors. The town loaded. It vibrated. Simple as.


I have no mods with additional content, creatures, quests etc. Only the optimized Bethesda Hi-res textures, Improved Name of Savegame, Categorized Favourites, moreHUD, Skyrim Interface Makeover, SkyComplete (quests/locations/books), Unread Books Glow and, of course, SkyUI & SKSE... Oh... and the Unofficial Skyrim Patch v2.1.3a


See if that helps as i'm probably the least progressed, least expanded and least modded person to suffer, but suffer I do... :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...

The Grate over the Thieves Guild automatically CLOSES every single time the exterior cell in Riften loads, even if it is already closed--the sounds/effects play but the animation does not!!. It will also close if left open even while already in the cell if you wait long enough.


This was done so that the "Hidden" entrance always appears hidden, but they didn't think about the effects triggering the controllers.


A small patch removing that "reset" of the grate is needed to truly fix this problem.

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  • 4 months later...

Im trying to figure out why my xbox controller for pc rumbles every time I load an exterior Riften save or go from interior to exterior cell in Riften... I think it is a quest and not a bug but I cannot figure out which quest it is. Anyone happen to know?


I do have a few mods.

Now I apologise that I am answering 3 years later, but I only started playing this game this year, so it's not my fault.


However, I googled the same question as my xbox controller would ALWAYS vibrate like mad when I was around the bit where Madesi and Brand-Shei (possible names wrong) sell their trade....


I dropped down lower to have a look and there is a THIEVE'S CACHE barrel on the walkway just under where I was.


I have looted said cache and will leave Riften and come back a little while later. IF it does not vibrate, it will be the first time since I was anything to do with thieve's guild, that it didn't vibrate. So IF I have found the answer, I will update this reply.




Also frustrated by the rumble in riften :D

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The Grate over the Thieves Guild automatically CLOSES every single time the exterior cell in Riften loads, even if it is already closed--the sounds/effects play but the animation does not!!. It will also close if left open even while already in the cell if you wait long enough.


This was done so that the "Hidden" entrance always appears hidden, but they didn't think about the effects triggering the controllers.


A small patch removing that "reset" of the grate is needed to truly fix this problem.

The rumble the OP was describing is nothing to do with the "grate". Sorry. The original poster did say there was no sound or animation, the grate causes a stone grinding against stone sound, this rumble is literally JUST a rumble on the controller.

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  • 3 years later...
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