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Changing race via console


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I have recently been trying to change my race using the console. I am able to successfully change my race, but when I do, my active effects page goes completely blank. When i re-equip items, those effects show up. Permanent effects from race or birthsign never reappear though, along with the various vampirism effects. I know the effects are still active, but it annoys me that I can't see them. Is there a way that I haven't read about to refresh the active effects tab? Or am I going about changing my race in the wrong way? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated =)
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It's not good when you change your race via the console, your skills will be totally f**ked up.

You should better use a mod for it.

I would suggest you download this mod, you can change your race, your birthsign and your class.


Character Generate Amulett

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You can safely change your race via the console, but you have to follow my advice precisely.


Open the console (tilde) and type "showracemenu" without the quotes.

Close the console (tilde again).

Alter your character as you see fit.


Open the console again.

Open Main Menu (esc).

Save your game (use a new save "just in case").

With the Race Menu still up load the save that you just made.

Close the console.


Your character should be altered, but with the same stats as you had before.


I hope that this helps.




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those are the steps i followed, but using the script extender and ring of the gods, as i have vista and can't open the console with the tilde key. my race changed and i was able to load, but the active effects page is still empty.


I use Windows 7 and before that I used Vista and Rabbit's procedure is fine. You may have to uninstall your game and then reinstall it to a different directory on your computer for Rabbit's excellent advice to work correctly.


This link explains it and also links to bben's info about this. Removed. Link is dead.

Edited by SavageArtistry
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