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Can someone fix this gods damn civil war?


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Ok - The thing is that if you will look up a quest for imperial legion and see what bugs are most common - i will have them on one character or another. Not even reinstalation help. Maybe only thing that will fix that are new official or unoffical patch.

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Umm, Civil War Overhaul is actually an awesome mod! Unfortunately on some mod configurations even following all proper instructions it will bug out. Couple that with the fact that the author of CWO is REALLY short on patience with people makes it next to impossible to get any kind of help with troubleshooting. Hell, he is right that any problems using CWO is our fault for the ways each of us customize our mod config! But that being said he has thousands of complains to deal with on a constant basis and no one person can handle the load so being short on patience is completely understandable!


I myself have been desperate to play CWO without any bugs appearing in the game, but so far I have been unsuccessful. But I have seen friends play it with zero trouble!


Since I use Mod Organizer I am simply going to be running more than one copy of MO on my comp with different mod configs for different characters and play styles. The Mod Config I am currently setting up for use with CWO is a lot more minimal meaning It won't be using a ton of mods like I normally run, so it may only have around 100 mods including CWO. That way I'm pretty much getting a guarantee of it working!


Hell if I play a battlemage character who wants to be arch-mage and run a ton of exploration and quests, and the civil war is mostly a passing thing to get slugged through, there is no need to be greedy with an overhauled civil war.


But if you play a nord loner character who is mainly interested in fighting and drinking, and could care less about meeting new people and exploring, then by all means add the Civil War Overhaul if it has a strong link to your backstory.


I don't know about you but I want a ton of variety in my characters so sometimes I may want to Live Another Life, use SkyRe, then Requiem on different characters, it really makes the game awesome.


If CWO doesn't work minimalize your new character backstory so it will. With mods almost anything is possible in Skyrim within certain limitations!

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