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What do you think of Crysis?



37 members have voted

  1. 1. Crysis is:

    • Teh bestast game coz it haz the bestast graphics ever!!11eleven
    • A great game with great visuals.
    • A mediocre game with great visuals.
    • A benchmark program with a game loosely tacked on.
    • A graphics fapfest for PC fanbois.

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It was a beautiful game. Almost photo-realistic, had great physics etc...


The action was good, although the missions were a bit repetitive.


Looking forward to Crysis 2. Gonna get it on the 360. It's set in New York, which could either ruin the game or make it better.

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It was a beautiful game. Almost photo-realistic, had great physics etc...


The action was good, although the missions were a bit repetitive.


Looking forward to Crysis 2. Gonna get it on the 360. It's set in New York, which could either ruin the game or make it better.


Set in new work, woot same timezone lol.

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I personally loved Crysis. I loved the visuals, the physics, the dynamics, and the story (although basic and cliche). My only gripe is that you have to have a very powerful PC in order to play. Although that wasn't a problem for my hot rod of a system, it was a problem for friends that couldn't afford such a powerful system, and with side jobs with a 19 year old client who was trying to get his hp pavilion to perform like an Alienware.
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So, seeing as this has been quite the controversial topic in the past and now again in anticipation of the sequel, what did you think of the game?


Well, my personal opinion is that it is a graphics fapfest, with a story tacked on for the novelty of it. Sure, the game wasn't that bad, but it sure as hell didn't come close to most shooters in the last five years. I feel the only reason it did well was because of its far superior graphics. Take away the graphics and what remains? A standard shooter that doesn't really innovate anything. Even the original Far Cry did more for the shooter genre than Crysis.


Take an example, if you removed Crysis's graphics and replaced it with those of say, FEAR, would it still have sold as well as it did? No need to answer that rhetorical question as the only answers I'll get are those saying yes just to 'prove me wrong'. :P


The problem is, aside from those who force themselves to talk about the 'great gameplay' just to act as if they don't only care about the graphics in the game, I've never actually heard many discussions where people talk positively about the game itself. The graphics are always the most discussed thing about it. And let's face it, the graphics are the main selling point of this game. Have you ever come across people in the videogame stores actually talking about the gameplay of Crysis for an extended period of time? I doubt it. I worked in one for a while and all people asked me about the game was if it would run on their PCs, how it would look, how awesome the graphics are. Yap yap yap.


Sure, you've got the nanosuit. A really awesome idea, I'll admit, but still not enough to save the game in my eyes. It doesn't help if you have the uber weapon, but the story is a rehash of stories found in other games, just with other characters and settings. The game really did nothing new, apart from the nanosuit. Had they taken Far Cry 1 and just redone it with the Crysis engine, pure win would have emerged.


The problem isn't that Crysis was bad. In fact, I quite enjoyed it, the multiplayer even more so while it lasted, but it definitely didn't do anything to garner much excitement from me for the sequel, nor a second playthrough. The gameplay wasn't bad, but was a reasonably meh shooter. Not changing much about the formula. It had a few tactical elements, but nothing more interesting than most other shooters usually offer you.


But probably my biggest gripe is that people see Crysis as the be all and end all of PC gaming, then when you point this out to them they deny it vehemantly. Solely because of the graphics. People will vehemently defend the game just because they liked the graphics. Oh, and for some reason everybody sees fit to compare every new release to Crysis with lame comments like 'lol it douchent look like Crysis' or 'wow it sucks because crysis looks more real than my fapstick.'


The only thing I want to say, is that the only way Crysis is superior to most other FPS games is in the graphical sense. It did nothing else that hasn't been done in other games before. The nanosuit was inventive, but so was the jetpack in Dark Void, and the Time Shift abilities in TimeShift and the various other games that did things like that. Stop comparing every game to Crysis and everybody is happy. I have no problem if somebody likes the game, they can do so all they want, as it is their choice, but don't barf on my Cornflakes if I state that I don't like it.


Either way, Crysis might look 'realistic', but realism does not equal fun. Fallout 3 had dated graphics at release and was waaay more fun. :P


Soooo, discuss.


I disagree with a lot of what you said.


Firstly, the story isn't great, but how many FPS games have a great story anyway? Heck, how many games really have a great story? There are a few, but mostly the stories in games are cliched and boring.


Used properly, the nanosuit IS the weapon. You don't need guns, just a good imagination. I played it through on Delta level and only shot at something when there was no other way, like for example if a tank came along.

You can dispatch enemies in so many different ways. Or you can sneak around them, or create a distraction. The gamer is left with the choice of how to play the game. That's the key feature. In most games, there is only one way of doing something.

In Crysis, you have the CHOICE to run and gun or use stealth, or use a mixture of both.


The game is fairly linear, but there are also many bonus objectives to do, and there is at least a bit of exploration going on as well.

I'm not saying the game doesn't have it's faults. The AI can be a bit strange sometimes and I wished you could pick up dead bodies, just for the sake of a few more gameplay options. Some of the alien bits of the game I could have done without.

But still, all things considered, it has more going for it than many other action games. If this was a discussion about say, Doom3 then I'd agree. It looked great but the gameplay was ordinary. Crysis does a whole lot more than Doom3 or other such games.


You could turn this thread on it's head and ask what is so great about Halo 3 or Far Cry 2? What are these games doing that Crysis isn't? Now, I could list you a whole lot of things that Crysis does that those games don't. (Talking of single player here.)


Seriously, I think this game suffers backlash because of the way it chews up and spits out graphics cards for fun, even now. There seems to be some irrational hate for this game. (Not saying you're doing this.)


But I spoke online to a 'professional' reviewer a few weeks ago, who said the game sucked. I asked her specifically what she did not like about it and it finally turns out she didn't even play it. (!!)

So how could she possibly know if it sucked or not?

Maybe she didn't have the system to run it properly, and thus hated the game by default?


One can argue back and forth as to whether a game should be pushing so hard on the technology front. I appreciate Crytek's effort in raising the (graphical) standard to another level. The industry thrives on advancement, and I think this is especially true of PC gaming.


Anyway, the new game is going to be available to all to play. Let's just hope it's good.

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I wouldn't call Crysis a great story but neither would I call it mediocre. For instance,

I didn't expect Prophet to reappear and rescue me after leaving the spaceship

. I definitely would call it a graphics benchmark. :biggrin:

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I wouldn't call Crysis a great story but neither would I call it mediocre. For instance,

I didn't expect Prophet to reappear and rescue me after leaving the spaceship

. I definitely would call it a graphics benchmark. :biggrin:

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