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Fox News.


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there is this radio station, i forget which one...


...but it has all news. no political crap. just news.


@retribution: im sorry if i said i liked obama, i dont. i meant to say that fox is so bad, they make obama look good.

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Wow. That dude sure did drink the koolaid.


Fox News is just as biased as the others, and probably moreso being the only right-leaning op/ed channel out of the three.

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I don't know about FOX being the worse of 'the big three'. MSN is really out there on a lot of topics they 'report' on. Plus the girls on FOX are easier on the eyes than the werewolves on the other two. Aside from that Greta lady on FOX at night. *shudders*


I'm tired of having pablum crammed down my throat while some 'news' joker tells me 'how it is'. How about 'how it isn't'?


I'm sure we're all adult enough to know there a some seriously twisted views on the right and the left. If American voters were savvy (and they ARE NOT, by-and-large) they would realize that 'special interests' are not in their best interests.


Americans have been pimped by one side or the other, starting with Lincoln suspending the writ Habeas Corpus in 1861 during the American Civil War and culminating in the 'Republican' Bush 2 redefining eminent domain in 2006. And now Obama wants to be Reich Fuhrer instead of President. We're being played for suckers by both parties yet otherwise intelligent people don't see it. The America you see today is not what our Free Manson founding fathers wanted when they stole this country from the British Crown on July 4, 1776.


When watching these big-news-channel meat puppets passing themselves off as bona fied journalist Americans might want to 'consider the source'. Who are they really speaking for and who is feeding them the hype? And that's what CBS, NBC, ABC, MSN, CNN and FOX bank on...Hype. Right-wingers bank on Chicken Little the-sky-is-falling scare tactics. Left-wingers insist everything is okay and we need to ignore the Wizard of Oz 'man-behind-the-curtain'. Both wings rabidly defend their stances and insist the other wing is wrong. That leaves Americans in the middle to try and keep ourselves afloat in a sea of BS.

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I don't know about FOX being the worse of 'the big three'. MSN is really out there on a lot of topics they 'report' on. Plus the girls on FOX are easier on the eyes than the werewolves on the other two. Aside from that Greta lady on FOX at night. *shudders*


I'm tired of having pablum crammed down my throat while some 'news' joker tells me 'how it is'. How about 'how it isn't'?


I'm sure we're all adult enough to know there a some seriously twisted views on the right and the left. If American voters were savvy (and they ARE NOT, by-and-large) they would realize that 'special interests' are not in their best interests.


Americans have been pimped by one side or the other, starting with Lincoln suspending the writ Habeas Corpus in 1861 during the American Civil War and culminating in the 'Republican' Bush 2 redefining eminent domain in 2006. And now Obama wants to be Reich Fuhrer instead of President. We're being played for suckers by both parties yet otherwise intelligent people don't see it. The America you see today is not what our Free Manson founding fathers wanted when they stole this country from the British Crown on July 4, 1776.


When watching these big-news-channel meat puppets passing themselves off as bona fied journalist Americans might want to 'consider the source'. Who are they really speaking for and who is feeding them the hype? And that's what CBS, NBC, ABC, MSN, CNN and FOX bank on...Hype. Right-wingers bank on Chicken Little the-sky-is-falling scare tactics. Left-wingers insist everything is okay and we need to ignore the Wizard of Oz 'man-behind-the-curtain'. Both wings rabidly defend their stances and insist the other wing is wrong. That leaves Americans in the middle to try and keep ourselves afloat in a sea of BS.

i vouch and argee with you completely.


i think its just better to tell those news centers to F.O. and go find some other ways to get updated on current events, i.e. newspapers and others.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We could do with something like Fox News over here to counter the left wing propaganda from the BBC.


:thumbsup: You speak truth there, Jim. The BBC long ago lost its formerly august reputation for impartiality.

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When was the BBC impartial?


Certainly in my lifetime, although, hehe, I have been around a fair old time so it may not have been impartial in YOUR lifetime. There was certainly a time when the BBC was respected for objectivity, balanced factual reporting and its lack of political affiliation. Nowadays, it is staffed by people many of whom have known affiliations to the Labour Party.

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Don't think the Fox News style of inaccuracy and terror would work too well on someone other than stupid Americans...




Aired July 27, posted to that site on Aug. 4th... And there's worse if you bother to look and aren't in an exhausted stupor from finishing your 12 hour shift in a crappy job just to stay out of debt. They don't know how to even spell Journalistic Integrity, and apparently assigned the job to whatever mentally challenged intern that does the rest of their fact checking.


Frankly, I'd like to hope that the rest of the world would strive for better.

Edited by Vagrant0
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The entire planet could use a dose sanity. America first, please. I see American Leftist screaming for 'Social Justice'. I see hard-line American Conservatives unwilling to budge and barking back at the Left. And I see the rest of us being smashed between them. FINALLY there are cracks in the defenses of both sides. If they don't get their acts together they will be out of jobs, starting in November 2010.

There is no way in hell I'll ever agree with socialist ideals. And I'm not going to blindly accept unflinching capitalists ideals either. I think most of us are like that, the ones without agendas anyway. People need to start thinking for themselves, that is what the American founding fathers had in mind for this country. Find and READ copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that aren't annotated. Come to your own conclusions. Despite what the meat puppets on American TV news programs might say, they have agendas and WE THE PEOPLE are standing in their way.

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