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Worries about my Orphan race Mod


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I have just finished creating a playable child race that i call the Orphan, it uses Rens beauty pack for the Hair, Eyes and Female body textures and Roberts Male body v5 for the males.

The thing that worries me is the fact that nudity is possible with the HGEC/Exnem body and i have no idea how to prevent this or how to make the females flat chested at the moment, i know this is possible but it involves scripting and that is not an area i know anything about.

I am worried this could lead my Mod open to Abuse/Misuse if i upload it and i would like to know your thoughts on this.


Thanking you in advance.



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You can force clothing on any actors of this race by using new clothing entries that have non-playable clothing, and giving these actors nothing else to wear. This is also how one would achieve a more child-like body shape. Beyond that, it would probably be a good idea to use a body texture that's located in a new folder. This way you can just black out any potentially naughty bits directly on the body texture (permanent undies).


Beyond that, it's all about how you present the mod and what your intentions are. You might want to look at some of the other attempts to add children to Oblivion and see what they did.

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Thank you :)


I have chosen: Exnem - EBE -HGEC undies - resource only.


Now i just have to figure out how to use 7.zip to pack everything together, i wont upload this till i am happy there will be no nudity.

I made this because i noticed there were very few child races that a person could play as and i think some people will find it maybe fun and a little crazy to do so :)

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It's my experience that people will do what they want with your race, regardless of your intentions. Of course I released an adult (as in grownup, not X rated) race, and I've regretted it ever since.

Yes, that is certainly true. The important part however is that it's harder for someone to start a pedophile witch-hunt when the author has gone out of their way to try and prevent that usage. Although, really, it helps to just not care what anyone thinks.

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This is my first mod and there is obviously a lot more to this than i first realised, i am going to have to learn alot more about how to assign .nif files to my race before i get this right, looks like my Mod wont see the light of day for some time yet.

Thank you Vagrant0 and SavageArtistry, your input has been very much appreciated.



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