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New Archery Weapons Request


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Skyrim has bows and Dawnguard has crossbows but thats about it. This request is about adding new types of arrow/bolt related weapons. ANd for the record I have no modding abilities so this is a request. This mod would require Dawnguard. Some of these weapons already exist in mods but then i'd like them all in one mod.




Single Handed Crossbows

Just like a crossbow but single-handed and slightly less powerful


Crossbow (Magazine)

Takes 10 bolts at a time and it quick firing until they run out, then you

have to reload 10 again


Sniper Bows

Like a regular bow but with two scopes.

Here is the link to the original site: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50528/?


Sniper Crossbows

Like a regular crossbow but with one scope.


Revolving Magazine Crossbow

Kind of like a smaller machine gun. Very slow when in combat.


Power Shot Bow/Power Shot Crossbow

Takes away magika each use or wait till the magika bar on it has reached full for a more

powerful attack.


Multiple Shot Bows/Multiple Shot Crossbows

Shoots 3-5 arrows at a time.






Rope Arrows/Fire Arrows/Water Arrows/Oil Arrows/Noisemakers Arrows

All like in Sneak Tools: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19447/?


Flare Arrows

Any NPC's within a medium radius will come to your aid.


Grappling Bolts

Like rope arrows but go straight out, connect with something and then you

tie it to the floor and can climb across.


Soul Trap Arrow

If the creature dies from this arrow, a soul gem will get filled.


I hope you like my mod idea. Please comment or add suggestion's. Thank you! :smile:

Edited by Sluggy42
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They all exist? Ok then, my request is now to have them merged but only these, Sneak Tools isn't compatible with my game for some reason. So if you can get all the weapons merged into one mod I'd love to know. I am still clueless about modding so i'm asking you to because I have no clue how to. Thank you :)

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dang it, there was another thread a few days where the guy wanted to merge a long list of mods and someone explained how to do it really well (better than I could ever explain it). anyways i'll find these mods for you right quick. I use several of them.

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I will add mods that you probably already know about, so I apologize if I do:


one handed cross bows:



cross bow with a scope (warning it looks like a modern cross bow):



for the power and multi-shot bow (cant find the crossbow one):


(warning: has some issues and is kinda new)


I think the author pulled his flare mod... I saw some issues with it last time I saw. it was causing severe game issues, but I thought he would have fixed it... i cant find it though.


heres the soul trap arrows, along with others:



i thought there were rope bolts in the sneak tools mod.


okay these are the ones i managed to find

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qwertyzeldar, are you good at modding? Can you please tell me if your still interested in my other mod request: Follow to Kill http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1845440-follow-to-kill/

Or Items of Intense Un-Disability:



Also just wondering whether you'd be interested in looking at some of my other mod requests (you've probably already looked at them but please just say if they are good or not):





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im kinda new to the modding scene. im better at bug/character mods. the issue with most of your mods would be that they require modders with expertise in the custom mesh field. sadly there aren't that many of them around these days. also for the vampire one, better vampires does an amazing job at creating fun and challenging vampires.


for the modding I am good at creating new NPCs and player characters (specializing in Nord and Imperial) and so far all of my work is uncredited. why? because I didn't want the credit. 4 of the six characters I've made were used for posing and showing off armor so it wasn't like I cared.

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