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Excessive use of the F word across the Wasteland


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Help me out here. Who in the game drops F-bombs left and right?


Goddamn Desmond f***ing Lockheart, that's who! (also, oh the irony of having to censor this s*** on a damn board built around M-rated games. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Desmond take a look at the quotes below. But as for the carpet F-bombing, the English language is just rather poor when it comes to swearing vocabulary. And yeah... it'd be far worse if they went around censoring raiders or something.

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Desmond's in Point Lookout right? Would explain why I didn't think of him as I haven't played that DLC.


Desmond is the future result of a love-child from Ozzy Osbourne and Gordon Ramsay.

Would fit quite well with his age, actually.


Are we up to something here? http://www.the-gladiatorz.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/sly.png

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I can understand that everyone's life has gone to hell because the bombs devastated most of the world. So wastelanders including children and teens have taken to cursing and spouting profanities? I'm sure the writers could come up with better lines and more "colourful" vocabulary than using the F word extensively and obsessively. Everybody loves to say the F word? Come on.



i didn't notice that much obscenity




tbh, they dont swear nearly as much as i would if i was 19 and my father got me kicked out of my home ive lived in all my life, forcing me to live in a radioactive hellscape full of monsters, and live off of radioactive pork 'n beans for the rest of my life.

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"tbh, they dont swear nearly as much as i would if i was 19 and my father got me kicked out of my home ive lived in all my life, forcing me to live in a radioactive hellscape full of monsters, and live off of radioactive pork 'n beans for the rest of my life."


And I thought only my PC lived entirely off those, with my trusty Spork and .44 can opener. lol


But its a very good point. Also to all those who are complaining about the swearing, What made you buy an M rated game in the first place? Surely you must have realised it would contain content you would find objectional?

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