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Dark dream...


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The stench woke me up. I must have been unconcious for many hours as I feel my legs numb and the terrible pain around my joints is unbearable. I cannot see, but I hear groans all around me. I know I'm not alone, there are others to, all chained just like me. I can hear the noise their chains make. I try to remember how I got here, but every time I try to think about it, my mind blocks and pain becomes even more intense. Again that terrible stench! It turns everything inside me upside down. How long am I going to stay here? If only I could remember something about my past, mayby later, if there will be one, that is... I don't even remember how I look, my face!! I feel so tired and thirsty. If only I could fall asleep and never wake up again. Someone next to me started to cry. I think it's a woman. I tryed to say something, but every time I try to move my tongue the pain makes it imposible to articulate any words, so I gave up. Who did this to us and why? I asked myself this quetion so many times in my head as I become more and more irritated. Why me? I feel a heat wave through my body and it burns me. My eyes burn to and so do my lips, the air I breath burns me inside and I become furious. I try to release myslef from the chains, not giving a damn about the pain anymore and I try to scream, but no sounds come out of my mouth. I have no power left in me. I can't even open my eyes After the spasm I've just been through I cannot feel my arms and legs, it's like I'm floating, the pain is gone, I'm free.....
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Thanks guys. It took me 10 mins to write this. It was like a flash, a short time after I woke up that morning. I have no experience with writing and such so I have no idea if it's good, but anyway I felt like posting it here, just like a thought you like to preserve and you type it down in a notebook. It was a wierd morning that one. :)
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Don't Lie Pushkatu u know u got the idea from True blood :whistling: lol


Well... I have not idea what's True blood?! :whistling:

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  • 2 months later...
As a writer myself, I see much potential in your writing. Keep up the good work, and oneday, if you really want to, you'll be a master writer; all it takes is practice. :thumbsup:
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