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Guess we live only because our human mutation (let's take no account of the rare but successful Neandertals in movie and steroid business) has found a workable niche for survival and thus, for reproduction. That's all, thanks to the Creator.

Once another mutation of ourselves, or the ugly Triffids or somethin would be able to handle that niche much better than we can, or if that niche simply gets lost by changed but negated parameters, our species would be loused up soon due to the lack of quality of living and finally - a missing reproduction. If that happens, no pious prayer will ever help us, for then the Creator has already turned his head to the successors, if ever - somethin he's always done in the past history of all life forms.


Take it with a grain of salt... to avoid sexual depressions :wacko:



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I agree with Trandoshan on this, life is mysterious, and why we are here has no facts what so ever to point to that can lead to the answer we seek. Simply put, I don't really believe this is a debate of any kind.
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We exsist because we just do, because God put us here. We are ment to exsist to enjoy our life not question it. But It's not like I don't agree with you because it is strange how we play a roll in this life. Although I'm a loyal catholic, I must take your question with intrest. Are we here because God put us here, or are we here at random, or perhaps is there a bigger picture to all this?


I see little debate in this thread. There are plenty of opportunities to show opinion, but there is no shred of evidence to support any of it. Existence is unanswerable by anything by two things. Either Religion, or Darwin. That's it. I can't see this debate going any further than speculation, as there are no facts at all on the subject, and therefore no ability to counter either. That is, unless someone turns it into a religious debate. Which this thread has oddly, no succumbed to.


The Meaning of life is undebatable. I ask anyone to prove me wrong and start a true debate.


I disagree because debating something that has no evident proof does not refute it as a true debate. Even if such a debate comes up with no easy clear conclusion, it often provokes useful thought anyway and hopefully brings some clarification of our beliefs etc. Debating does not have to be about opposing views and coming up with a winning view as in debating competitions. Debating can be more like brainstorming and still be both positive and productive.


Existence is awareness, is our state of awareness and is our interaction with other aspects of existance around us. Why do we exist? We exist because we are driven by forces of existence, by nature as a whole and our own natures. We exist but we can not and do not exist alone so our existence is only one part of a greater existence. Another question might be: do we exist because of causes that we can comprehend or do we actually exist because of forces that, right here and now, we are unable to comprehend fully?


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Caos. Everything is based on caos. There is no such things as order when it comes to evolution. That goes for the universe as well for our planet Earth. So why do we exist? Coincidence and caos. Nothing else. There is no greater purpose to be found in that. Live with it :tongue:
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Caos. Everything is based on caos. There is no such things as order when it comes to evolution. That goes for the universe as well for our planet Earth. So why do we exist? Coincidence and caos. Nothing else. There is no greater purpose to be found in that. Live with it :tongue:

no no zes no there is chaos in order and order in chaos.........awakening is waking up tio the order........nothings i sbz accident in zour life...zour are 100% responsible......that is waking up to the consciousness


answering the call

it is loosing greed part for real


and reason

reason just is


ps. this is a tinz laptop ...srz evrzone

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Caos. Everything is based on caos. There is no such things as order when it comes to evolution. That goes for the universe as well for our planet Earth. So why do we exist? Coincidence and caos. Nothing else. There is no greater purpose to be found in that. Live with it :tongue:

no no zes no there is chaos in order and order in chaos.........awakening is waking up tio the order........nothings i sbz accident in zour life...zour are 100% responsible......that is waking up to the consciousness


answering the call

it is loosing greed part for real


and reason

reason just is


ps. this is a tinz laptop ...srz evrzone


If you whant to quote me, please speak a language I understand. :confused:

I speak, English, Danish, Swedish, German, French and a little Spanish and Greek


However I do "translate" something like being 100 % responsible for our lifes. That truely sounds like a good idea.

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Hehe. Well i certainly cant keep up with that. I speak English, German, about one word of Danish (takk!) and some Latin but no one tend to speak it around here anymore. So yeah. *gg*


How to translate? By living.


Try not to shy away and take things as they are.

Whenever you let that into your life what remains is but that transcendance.


One must be willing to loose all that is no that.

It wil make you radiate.


Doesnt mean one looses comfort in life. That is the biggest misconception and the worst place to do this is in a cloister. In daily life there are moer then enough opportunities and if it is not in daily life then cannot be real.


Like in a cloister is easy to be silent under an illusion but when you come back you change. That is no real peace. It has to be done in daily life admids where all buttons are being pushed.


Living like that you dont need drugs or any enhancers anymore Life itself gonna be quite exciting lol Natural bliss coming forth its like what the hell poeple are jsut doing......


So just abit outlinign that....be yourself in anyway


There always a story but then there is also self....

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There's a simple truth to the question: "Why do we exist?"




Everything that is born has do die. Unless someone proves that this simple fact is wrong by science. Death is the end of all life even to a planet, a sun or the universe.


The philosophical conclusion:


So the purpose of life is defined by death. What a person makes between birth and the grave is what defines a person. Especially the experiences and the wisdom and the knowledge made can define what a person wants to be and where the person on his own conquest in life stands. A person can chose a path and change during the experiences of that path, in the middle for the person sees, that the outcome might not be the right way for that person to achieve the desired outcome. So the answer to the purpose in life lies in the decisions we make until death.


I remember that old Monty Python Song "Always look on the bright side of life" aside from the unforgettable tune the text holds some truth to it. :whistling:





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Why? Why not?


The problem with trying to find meaning in life is that we are actively trying to prove there is meaning; we have a vested interest in one side of the argument, and to an extent most people will believe what they want to believe over what we don't want to.


Those who believe in meaning should note that they are the ones unable to believe there is no meaning, whereas those who don't believe in meaning would love to believe there is, but won't, because they know there isn't.


People who don't believe in meaning or a purpose in life aren't unlike those who do, they almost always try to find it, even when they don't believe in it, but that seeking does not prove there is meaning, it only proves that we have a common tendency towards wanting to believe what we find nicer or more meaningful than the cold, sad realities of the world.


"I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." - Mark Twain



I am the product of my parents, they are the product of their parents, and they are the product of their parents, people seem to forget that they are the product of their parents having sex and were not in fact created by God, now, I didn't just say that God didn't make MANKIND, but surely he did not give birth to you, you could say he had planned it beforehand, but then we get into the talk of how he planned all bad things which happen and planned for some people to go to hell, and I won't get into that type of debate.



We are not the first people to question life, men have been doing this since the beginning of our species, we do not somehow have a better grasp on abstract concepts such as meaning then people in the dark ages, they thought about what we think about now on an internet forum as they died of the black death in their beaten down depressing houses full of the dead bodies of their children and loved ones.


The only real difference between the dead and living is that they're dead and we're not dead yet.

I choose not to believe in that which I want to believe, I'd rather know that my hair is on fire then believe I am a super saiyan.

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