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Jarl of soltsheim


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NOTE: THIS IS NOT MY IDEA THE IDEA IS FROM HERE http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/846942156041291890/

same as the original author i have no idea about modding but i think his idea for this mod is fantastic.....

I know that solstheim does not have jarls but a ruling family, but the guard could poison the guy who rules soltsheim and you could give a heroic speech about how it needs new leadership?

anyways please read the mod i think you would like it and it would be nice of someone to do it if he has the time


"Why the hell is the Dragonborn not a Jarl? I mean, regardless of which side you pick in the civil war you can still become a Thane of each hold. Hell, if I was a Jarl and one of my Thanes happened to also be the a Thane of every other hold as well as being a demi-god (essentiall) who can kill dragons and devour their souls, I might be inclined to support him as a united leader.

But that aside, Bethesda now have the perfect opportunity to make the Dragonborn a Jarl (if not High King). Ideally you would choose Solstheim, basically bring it back under the control of the Stormcloaks/Imperials (Civil War must be finished). With DLC such as Hearthfire and Dawnguard we know the technology for this exists. But we could go even further, with the modding community, we know it CAN be done.

Imagine if you got a charter for a MASSIVE plot of land. You were now Jarl of Solstheim. Raven Rock would be one city under your control, and the Telvanni would also have to accept that.

So, you're a Jarl, you choose a follower to be your Steward and another to be your Housecarl. The following is just a list of possible quests:

1. Jarl of Solstheim - You are informed you are now a jarl, and are sent to build your capital city. First step is build the castle, using the same method you did in Hearthfire. A wall can be added for a huge sum of stone.
2. Build a city - You would have to build a city. To do this you would need to speak to your subordinates.
3. (Repeatable) Choose your Banner - Choose a background colour for your banner from a set list for a price of gold. You may also choose others based on certain quests and how they ended (Dark Brotherhood, College of Winterhold, Dawnguard, Vampires, The Companions, Thieves Guild, Nightingales, Imperial Legion, Stormcloaks). The symbol is reflective of the Dragonborn.

You may then begin quests to enhance your city.

1. Find a source of income for the city - To do this you will need to build a farm (basically you need to find some poor slob who needs a source of income and he goes and does it for you) AND (when/if you find some) found some mines (both ebony and stahlrim come to mind).
2. Decide on tax issue - This creates houses. If the tax is high, expect a poor population but your annual tax (similar spouse's shop profits) is higher. Stores will have less goods. Tax low, the income is lower, but the people are richer and stores have more goods. Also have a moderate option.
3. Create a Temple - Provide an amulet of each of the Eight/Nine (depending on Civil War). This creates a Temple and Halls of the Dead.
4. Create a Market - This will create a market and stables. Pay a lump sum of gold.

Reward for Completing Steward's Requests: Steward changes his/her armour to more diplomatic clothing.

1. Enhance the Wall - Removes the scaffolding on the wall and builds towers for your guards.
2. Build a Barracks - Builds a barracks, adding town guards to your hold. Also adds Captain of Guards (a follower that scales with you. Respawns if killed). Guards have shield reflecting the Dragonborn symbol.
3. Decide on guard equipment - The more you pay, the stronger your guards are, including the captain (who will change his armour depending on how much you pay). This highest level will also increase guards wandering the roads in Solstheim.
4. Assassins - Assassins from the Thalmor attack. Slay them and capture their leader, to send back to Windhelm/Solitude for questioning or kill him. If questioned you gain a lump sum of money and courier arrives with a note from the Thalmor indicating that you have proven to be a powerful foe and you are safe for now. If killed you may loot his corpse for a unique dagger and a note explaining the Thalmor see you as their biggest threat.

Reward for Completing Housecarl's Requests: Housecarl changes his/her armour to more impressive clothing.

Should have completed both The Steward's and the Housecarl's quests you are then able to begin the following side quests.

Build a small shrine to the Daedric Princes under your Keep. Similar to Temple Shrines except before each Shrine is built you must complete the Daedric Quest in Skyrim. For those that choose to reject the Daedric Princes (eg by choosing against them in their particular quest such as with Azura's Star or Skull of Corruption etc) their shrine is built but only a ruined one that offers no bonus blessings. Once fully complete (as in you've dealt with, though not necessarily pleased) every Daedra Prince, a respawnable Dremora appears as a follower.

Convince a fence to move to your city, where they found a shop (name the person Blah the Honourable). You must be Guildmaster for this to happen, and speak to Devlin. Offers generic, respawnable thieves for followers.

Once you are the leader of the Companions you can build a new base for them in your city. You will then find their members wandering the island seeking fame and fortune. You may also convince or forbid them to become werewolves. (Becoming werewolves will make them stronger, forbidding gives a positive reputation though). Offers generic, respawnable Companions for followers.

In one corner of the city, create a new Campus of Magi, you must be Arch Mage for this. Allows many (NEW) spells to be bought, as well as offering generic (respawnable) magi for followers.

The Temple could do with some refurbishing. Provide a large enough gold deposit and the place will look a lot better. Also you will now find Knights of the Eight/Nine (depending on Civil War) wandering the land, and generic ones now followers.

If you completed the Dark Brotherhood questline and have finished with both Steward and Housecarl, one of the Black Hand will contact you and ask to build a Sanctuary. If you agree, he builds one (entrance is town well) and you may hire generic assassins, as well as a Shrine to Sithis (a blessing Shrine). However, should you have destroyed the Dark Brotherhood, you will be attacked by a member of the Dark Brotherhood, who carries a letter signed from Babette. Speaking to your Housecarl (for security) will allow you to make your own group of assassins to protect you. A Sanctuary is made, and generic assassins can be found for hire. In this scenario there is no shrine to Sithis.

Once the main Dawnguard expansion is finished, you may choose to build an outpost that forms part of the city wall. If you sided with the vampires it becomes a bloody vampire base, where you can hire generic vampires to do your bidding, as well as receive the quest to turn your Steward and Housecarl into vampires as well. Your castle will also gain a unique Death Hound as a pet. Should you have sided with the vampire hunters you the outpost will become one of theirs, with a unique crossbow on offer, a unique husky for a pet and generic hunters as followers.

Main quest of Skyrim must have been finished. Another outpost is formed, as a wing of the castle. Note, this will not require killing Parthanax (or whatever you call him). Player receives a dragon soul as a reward and Blades may be encountered in wilds hunting dragons.

Main quest of Skyrim must be complete. One of the Greybeards takes residence in the upper tower of your castle with two young apprentices. Player receives a dragon soul as a reward.

Skaal Village, Telvanni Outpost and Raven Rock need some true leadership. Basically, you do a small quest for each place and they send an emissary to your court. Completion of all three results in a higher tax yield from the Steward.

Spouse asks to hire an assistant for their shop. If you agree you lose some of the profits from spouse but a new shop appears in town. It sells levelled items (player can decide if they want the shop to be armour, potions, clothes or generic). Spouse then changes appearance, losing whatever clothing they had on and gaining more regal accruements. This will also affect any children you've adopted, as they too gain more regal gear."

oh and why does not somebody make a jarl of windelm(if that is its name) mod?

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Real cute but Solstheim is a Part of Morrowind under control by House Redoran not Skyrim so Solstheim does not have Jarl's, that is a term for rulers of Skyrim's Holds Solstheim has Counciler's at best

Edited by tx12001
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tx i said that and i told my idea of the steward poisining the redoran guy and the dragonborn has to resolve the situation.. than the people understand they need someone like the dagonborn to lead them... and wasn't solthsheim part of skyrim or did they give it back(not too fond of the lore lol xD)

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