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Lol Hail storms suck, you know when there is hail, there is a tornado near by, lol that's not all ways the case though.


Its winter here in Canada and its getting warmer, its going to be around 6C today as the weather forecast predicts, yay warmer weather ahead.




4 seasons :thumbsup:


likes the variety...

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haha yeah its disastrous!


it flooded again :( LOL this place is going to sink haha


Commander Crazy im from victoria :P what are you doing here down under?


oh and thor's from canada! wow always wanted to go there

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Not the same thing but remember that hurricane that ravaged across Europa, causing all kinds of destruction and death? Well, as it was heading the way towards my country, the News made a pretty big fuzz that the Government will be put on a pretty big loaning debt in order to rebuild all those houses and buildings so they took some money just in case.


And do you know what happened in the end?


The hurricane stopped. Midways!


Now the country has to repay that damn debt anyways. ;D

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