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Weird crash


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After formating my computer I installed the game again.


I installed a couple of usual mods and everything worked right. Then I installed a couple more and the game started to crash. I uninstalled every single mod and the problem persisted. Reinstalled the game and did the same procedure but this time installed only the ones that worked last time... And the game crashed again :blink:


That way 3 times... I have Windows 7, my game is updated, legit and original and I didn´t installed any mod that didn´t worked for me before... Somebody else had this problem or know how to solve it?

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Did you do a clean install? You need to remove some of the mods and folders manually.


Yes. I deleted the whole folder. FOMM included. If I do a clean install and add no mods the game works. The only mod I can install without crashing is an alternative start mod.


Thanks for the answer.

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Could be a hardware issue, What are your specs?


AMD Athlon x64 Dual Core Processor 4200+


ATI Radeon HD 4550


Never had problems running FO3 before. The only new mods I installed were the Arsenal V4 and the Pipboy PDA.


Maybe it´s cause this time I didn´t installed the DLC yet and updated to the 1.7? I don´t know, can´t figure it out :wallbash:


Thank you very much for the interest.

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Fallout is very sensible about codecs. You may have something it doesn't like now or lack something you had before. Albeit strange, some graphical (or just crashes) issues have origin with the sound. That game seems to specially dislike the Fraunhoffer sound codecs/filters.


Before going deeper with the game and mod troubleshooting you can attempt installing 3rth part codecs, like K-Lite or CCCP (by default Fallout 3 and many other games are listed disabled now in relation to ffdshow, itself source of issues in the past and recommended for uninstall, now it's the opposite). Specially try installing the MAD filter.

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Fallout is very sensible about codecs. You may have something it doesn't like now or lack something you had before. Albeit strange, some graphical (or just crashes) issues have origin with the sound. That game seems to specially dislike the Fraunhoffer sound codecs/filters.


Before going deeper with the game and mod troubleshooting you can attempt installing 3rth part codecs, like K-Lite or CCCP (by default Fallout 3 and many other games are listed disabled now in relation to ffdshow, itself source of issues in the past and recommended for uninstall, now it's the opposite). Specially try installing the MAD filter.


Hello. I have no codecs but the ones that come with W7. Tried installing the codecs you said but still not working.


Althought, W7 had another problem installing another game so I´m assuming that maybe the problem relies on the last formating/W7 installing process so I think I will make a full format, cleaning partitions and starting all over :confused:


That´s the only clue I have since last time I played before last format I had the same computer/hardware, same windows version and mostly the same stuff installed and everything was working good.


Thanks for the interest answering my problem. If I find out the solution I will report it in :thumbsup:

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I found the problem! I was the Pipboy Readius lol. I do not know why, because it worked for me before... But once I install it the game brokes for good. I formated my computer and installed every mod I wanted. Everyting worked just fine... Until I installed the fomod version of the Pipboy Readius.


I guess I will have to erase every single trace of the game and reinstall again :P


It´s a pity because the mod is great. Maybe it´s because of the .ini modification.

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Try toggling off invalidation. If it works then you will at least know you can fix it by getting rid of some asset as opposed to a complete reinstall.


It worked.... But it worries me because even reinstalling everything again, in a different folder and deleting all the previous files on My Documents/My Games the game still works only if I leave Archive Invalidation off.


Then it means that I can´t use many mods or customize the existing textures and stuff... How could I get the game to work again without formating my PC again? lol


Do I have to use CCleaner to delete some registry or something? Cuz I ran out of options and the game itself is not funny anymore without modding it.

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