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Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?


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I'd side with the Enclave, here's my well thought out reasons.


The Enclave seem to have everything in top shape and top notch coordination, other than the disputes between Autumn and Eden. The Brotherhood on the other hand are scattered all over the place like wastelanders, they're less organised then the raiders for crying out loud.


The tech of the Enclave is indisputably better than that of the Brotherhoods and what President Eden has recorded and played many times over the radio actually leads the capital wasteland 'America' a chance to be hopeful.


I've not sided with the Enclave yet and have only ran through the story the once in which I hated the Enclave for pressuring my dad so much he killed himself. (How'd Autumn survive?) -- Again a powerful display of technology.


I also think the Enclave just look incredibly better than the plain boring brotherhood.

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I actually disagree when you say the Enclave have far much more technology than that of the BoS: Liberty Prime. All though he's in rough shape, he still wooped the Enclave in an effortless battle. Personaly, I would most likely create me own force based off of the BoS.


I would first start by convincing Elder Lyons' to start a new force that would be lead by me (This may take some time, but I would try to convince him once I have helped the BoS at Project Purity, so he know's that I know what i'm talking about) Once I have the Brotherhood on my side, I would then go to the Regulators for there support (It really would'nt take much to convince them, because they are but a lonely group in the middle of the wastes that have been approached by a couple of dudes in Power Armor with big, big guns) There's no hope in recruiting the Talon Company, so i'de send my new squad of Regulators to take down some of there camps, then enter there HQ in the Talon armor and take the base out.


So after the Talon Co. goes down, I would try to get Rielly's Rangers. Although there are a small, hopeless group, every soldier I can get will help. So now i've got a fairly large army that consists of a lot of technology, a 40 foot tall robot, and many soldiers. So, what do I do now? I will send the Regulators to eliminate any other Talon Co. camps that are still out there, I will use the Rielly's Rangers and a couple of Brotherhood to remove Evergreen Mill's, the Raider HQ. Once these threats are gone, the Super Mutants are next. The Brotherhood Of Steel will be sent to Vault 87 to remove all threats there (They will go through Lamplite, and I dought that Mcready will want to *ban me* with them) Once the Muties in Vault 87 are all gone, the Brotherhood will set timed explosives in the hallway's and the atrium, so that no remining mutie will survive, nore escape to cause more trouble on the surface. Then the BoS will be sent to the surface of Vault 87, Big Town, and The Mall to kill the remaining muties.


After all of the wastelands threats are removed, the invasion of Raven Rock will begin.

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Liberty Prime is the Eastcoast Brotherhood's single advantage. He's powerful ,yes, but he's not very nimble, either, and likely unimaginably difficult to repair.


If the battle between the Enclave and the East Coast Brotherhood is a chess game, he's like the Queen on a chessboard. And while the Enclave don't have one of their own, they have a nigh limitless number of every other piece. Guess you could say their ability to produce such would be both King and Queen for the Enclave.


Well, Okay -- the Lone Wander is pretty much the Brotherhood's Queen, but take either one or both out and it's pretty much checkmate.

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You make a good point, but there is one large piece of information that conflicts what you siad in your previous post:


You mensioned that Liberty Prime is an old robot that is nearly inrepairable, and the Enclave have this and that (If you want to know about the Enclave, just read the above post, I dont want to re - type what EvilNeko siad)


In the game, the Brotherhood Of Steel by far win the battles against the Enclave, and Liberty does show them what he's made of. So your a bit off when you say the Enclave the most powerful or whatever.

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They win because of the Lone Wanderer and Liberty Prime. If the Lone Wanderer hadn't been around, the Enclave's mobile crawler would never have fallen. The Brotherhood was struggling just to hold its own at the air base, and the Enclave was continually shuttling in fresh troops. Hell if you sit and watch long enough, the Enclave guys'll win, and sit around looking bored.


With Liberty Prime out of action if anything happened to the Lone Wanderer, the Brotherhood would be in a world of hurt. The Enclave have more men, better gear, and a nigh fanatical devotion to their cause. To elaborate on the latter: in the entire game, you encounter three Enclave deserters. You encounter Brotherhood splinter groups all over the place, and disgruntled members even among the ranks of those.


Face it, the Enclave is by far the superior force. Those Vertibirds of theirs aren't just transports -- they're armed. They could, if they so desired, land a few right in the middle of the Citadel after a strafing pass or two. The Brotherhood wouldn't stand a chance. Hell, screw an orbital strike, they could just bomb the place the old fashioned way. Why do you never see any of this in-game? Because those silly Bethesda writers never thought to include a The Empire Strikes Back-like scenario in the game. The closest they come to that is the death of James, which is more akin to the death of Obi-Wan Kenobi than a massive defeat of friendly forces.

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One HUGE flaw with most plans including mine;


I just got done redoing all the DLCs and now that I talked to Elder Lyons and all the NPCs in them I know eight things:


1:Brotherhood cares only about tech, elder Lyon's small "Division", as Rothchild puts it, deviates compeltely for why they were sent there and they were cutoff from the the entirity of the Brotherhood.


2:The Outcasts are jerks but they are a example of the true Brotherhood, regardless keep in mind they have early access to U.S. tech( I won't say Enclave because the U.S. made the stuff they use before they decided to takeover after the nukes, their power armor, deathclaw controlers and heavy incinerators aside) and more access to military depots however they are a viable threat to all our ideals for our way to take over.


3:Play through the two DLCs Anchorage and Broken Steel and your have access to some awesome tech so the entire Brotherhood, The Enclave, NCR, and Liberty Prime aren't a threat if a person reenters the simulation with safety protocols on and finds out how to reproduce all the stuff shown in it. I mean for this as a pulsefield screws EVERYONE over no powerarmors for you, all your bases are belonging to us now. >=)


4:Now check this out in the DLC Mothership Zeta we have a deathray and a giant alien ship that we control after it's finished, we can use it and destroy everything that angers us and we have a great place to retreat to incase we're overrun not the mention alien weaponry.


5:NCR would more than likely join us if we kick the Brotherhood's collective arse so that's 900k people on your side if you wanna use my plan.


6:Aqua Pura=Caps. Sell it and you have a income source to fund your empire.


7:Reconstructing the military jets and leftover Vertibirds from Rivetcity and Adams Airforce Base aerial fleet/Airforce can be made to easy dominate the airless people of the U.S. Wastelands.


8:As people said the mobile crawler is a helluva ground base, let's add it on to the Mothership as potentional base lists, mkay?


I figured alot of you guys wanna make a empire post so I decided to finish the game and heres some info that'll let you choose who you want to side with. I'm sure the thread author knows it all and if he doesn't hey information rocks. I always wondered what would happen if I formed my own faction and this thread gave me that chance so I throw my two caps in here. I look forward to reading the awesomeness this thread produces oh and again thanks Falloutperson416!

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Man, I really like some of the ideas this thread has produced, and i'm really hoping that New Vegas will be similar to the ideas here (Possibly drivable vertibirds, and other things) However, I am starting to believe that I am wrong (In my opinion) that the BoS are the most severe force in the wasteland. With the Broken Steel DLC, there really is no stopping the Enclave. The only reason I dont like them is because there evil (To me) I tend to stick with the good guys (BoS) Brotherhood power armor is better!!



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New Vegas will involve the NCR and a bits of the Brotherhood I believe. So far it's known the NCR WILL be in it but Brotherhood is unconfirmed. NCR=Real good guys as they have a working senate, government and allow non fanatical(no human sacrifices or violent cults) religions in their borders. Oh and appearently I hear won't be any vaults in this one! Pipboy=awesome =(
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No vaults, ehh? That's a shame. Well, I guess that when Vault - Tec siad they were making Vualts in D.C. only, they really ment it. Do you know if the Brotherhood are going to be a large part of New Vegas, or just a small little, piece of it? What does NCR stand for? It flew out of my mind. I wonder what faction the guy from the trailer is, it would be cool if he was with the Brotherhood :D





BoS KILL Enclave!!! Bam!

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