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Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?


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The enclave is too stupid in their methods for me to consider joining them even if they've got the best tech in the remains of the US, they don't know how to lead a military force efficiently they just rush in guns blazing trying to suppress a people and they get their butts handed to them by one person-ONE the BoS doesn't help much other than supply liberty prime and even that's a bit superfluous except for blasting a hole into one of the enclave bases in Broken Steel. The shields could have been taken down by you yourself and you could've run in and busted a couple skulls open and killed a few power-armored morons all by your lonesome. The air retrieval at AAFB was unnecessary too, there's a TON of vertibirds there ripe for the taking and you could easily hijack one on your own, you've obviously got the know-how if you just hacked a terminal and launched a satelite missile strike. Neither of the factions is a true super-power that makes you quiver in your boots at the thought of having to fight them and additionally neither has much potential to become a true super-power because the incompetent leadership is either already cemented (enclave) or their supplies and manpower is so thin that it would be a royal pain to get their numbers up to where you could really rule the wastes (BoS) so either way they both mean nothing to me. What I'D do instead is get together a group of similarly competent wastelanders that have extensive combat experience and broad skill sets that know how to both cover their butts and "get poo done" as 3 dog would say. These compatriots could be Harkness once I'd told him about his true identity, he's obviously competent, powerful and is probably not bad with tech and repairing things some of the ghouls from Underworld (Charon for example) raider leaders and retirees (the guy in Megaton) some of the better slavers from Paradise Falls etc. Point being they'd be from all walks of life and all have two interests at heart-survival and caps. This small little syndicate would perform odd-jobs to get some revenue and build relations with caravaners and merchants. Then once we have some more man power, say five or ten years down the road we would build something of a new constantinople, a large castle-like complex with many outer, concrete walls, with our scavenged tech from BoS and Enclave skirmishes we would construct turrets and we would create an easily defendable fortress near a water source, here we (or just I) would go on an excursion to Vault 101 and steal the water purifier as it's probably empty after the fighting. Then we would have purified water, enabling agriculture and better quality of living than the rest of the wastes. Next we would convince some of the merchants and caravaners we had good relations with to move in, it's practically impregnable and you can live well for just a small tax. Using this sytem we would draw people and create a new city one that had the best tech in the Wastes, second only to the Enclave but we routinely beat the living daylights out of them withour small but extremely well-trained military and recouver their tech, we don't kill them off but instead let them continue to produce more tech for us to take off their corpses and generate more revenue for us. Our new military, cultural, agricultural and economic stronghold would be a true super-power in the wastes controlling the largest supply of clean water in the wastes, the best tech and a ton of merchants. Project Purity would never get fully up and running to optimum efficiency with the BoS's ranks dwindling and when they sputtered out and died we would recoup the tech from the citadel and Project Purity and use it to clean more water.


But if the plot demanded it then the Enclave or BoS would kick your arse...

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Everyone is forgetting a faction that you can choose that free's you of ultimate loyal to anyone, and that is The Planet. I decided on my characters goals before I started and let them guide me. My character believed all humans had blown(up) there chance at life on earth and it was up to my cyborg agent of eco-extremist aliens to cleanse the planet of humans, and begin healing it.


I blew up Megaton (not good for the environment I know, but the ends justified my means), the let the ghouls into Tenpenny, then shot the ghouls. I then proceeded to exterminate every settlement I could, raider and wastelanders alike. The only wastelanders who I let live I enslaved and set to them to work building a recycling plant (RTS NW), gathering wreckage to be melted down at the my Steel Mill in The Pitt.


Morality is subjective.



IF this were RL I would try to pull a Robin Hood, using my soldiers to prey on raiders and supermutants.

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The Enclave is fools. It's Vault was nothing but politicians, corporate fat cats, and the lackeys who were blindly loyal to them. They initiated those ridiculous Vault-Tec experiments, and are the ones who came up with the genius plan of 'to save Alaska, we'll annex Canada!' I feel dirty for shooting them, because it's an insult to my bullets. If I could, I'd drop them all in a vat of FEV, and then nuke the vat just to make absolutely certain they can't try any more of that power-mad crap.


The BoS? Worthless, for the most part. Sure, when they started, they had the right idea. Collect the remaining technology, catalog it, and discover how to rebuild it, so humanity has a fighting chance. They forgot about the humanity having a fighting chance part. Elder Lyons has begun to rediscover it, and Ashur is trying to rediscover it, but they've both forgotten the technology part, overall. They keep it to themselves, hoarding it. Sure, Ashur uses it to try to find a cure, but you don't see him teaching techs how to build the basic things that would make their disease-ridden lives a little more tolerable while he and his wife work on that cure. Lyons uses it to fight the supermutants, and protect...um...GNR. There's not a single member of the Brotherhood stationed in Rivet City, Megaton, or Canterbury Commons. To give a comparison, even the West Coast BoS stationed a single member of the BoS in The Den. At least they were paying attention to the people, even if they didn't have the firepower and manpower to help them there.


The Outcasts? Other than supplying me with a massive supply of Stimpacks (the merchants run out of caps, and then I'm left with piles of extra tech...so I sell it to Casdin for Stims), they're pretty crappy. Yet, oddly enough, they have a better presence out in the wastes, cleaning up psychos and monsters than the BoS does.


Even Sheriff Simms is a bit on the 'meh' side, since he's setting up a dynasty. (He's told his kid that he's the next sheriff-mayor already). In fact, I think Moira and Harkness are the only ones that I'd really say are worth anything. Moira, for all her lunacy, wants to help people, and is willing to try to find new ways, rather than just try to go back to the way it was...that caused it all in the first place. And Harkness, when he could have run, could have gone anywhere, done anything (android supersoldier with high-powered plasma rifle, and the additional combat skills of a pre-war sergeant? Yeah, he can do what he wants.)...however, he chooses to stay and guard Rivet City. Why? Because they're counting on him.


Three-Dog apparantly has quite the intel network set up (he reported on me visiting The Family less than 10 minutes after I did it), but wastes it. With that kind of precision, he should be informing the Regulators, BoS, and Outcasts where to strike. (Yes, the Outcasts would only be useful if you also told them there's tech inside).


For this reason, I side with the Protectrons in the museum. You know, the ones programmed to think they're the Founding Fathers? They at least have a vision that isn't made of pure selfishness and crap. That vision is where my plethora of energy weapons, and T-51b go. With a special emphasis on kicking the Enclave in the teeth. Don't want King George back, and I don't care if he calls himself Dick Richardson, John Eden, or Augustus Autumn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I crawl out from underground, bleary and wide-eyed at the desolate landscape... I could never join the Enclave. Considering the first time I meet them they're indirectly responsible for the murder of one of two people who've ever shown me any affection - and given how they've acted in the previous games (i.e; killing everyone inside other vaults so as to prevent competition) are well on their way to killing affection-giving-person number two.


The Outcasts have lost sight of the whole "for the betterment of humanity" part of their goal - or, rather, they're like an AI that went haywire and decided that the best way to save humanity was to give individual humans the middle finger. The BoS, on the other hand, have lost sight of the whole "Preserving technology" half.


So... ultimately, I'd go with myself. I'd take my power armour, repaint it stark white and then kill every goddamned thing I can find that believes "the betterment of humanity" in actual fact means "the betterment of humanity's taste". I'm sure I could convince a few wastelanders to join my crusade, especially if I offered them power armour to keep them safe.



So, yes. I'd set up my own armoured mercenary faction, trading technology with the Outcasts for supplies and keeping the streets safe for the Brotherhood, making them both indebted to me.

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Depending on the charachter ( i had 3) each senario plays diffrently.


Ghost-Piss him off,and youll never wake back up. Your friends piss him off? Well,they wont be alive for much longer.Extremely intelligent,tactical and heartless.He has no second thoughts from dumping a clip into a helpless fleeing person.His partner,she runs a Browing M2 HMG.Good luck trying to kill them when they unleash a maelstrom of fire.He doesnt really like anybody.Hes only friends with the BoS and the outcast so he has a place to dump that laser based "garbage" and power junk.


Fenix-Generally a nice guy,willing to help just about anybody.Doesnt really care who you are,as long as you dont shoot him.You shoot him and youre going to find out how a silenced 50 cal shot is from nowheres feels like.Hes the neutral one who helps anyone who trades with him


Insanus-Well,lets just say,he gets hungry when hes jammed full of who knows what. Hes on so many drugs that most people will avoid him. He tends to favor things that go boom.Rockets,grenades.nukes,more nukes yeah he loves explosives. Hes constantly high,showing problems around most people,the raiders,will avoid him because hes just so hard to hurt.He doesnt like anyone and kills it if it moves and then cause hes so hungry constantly hes always eating his kills.


I guess it all depends on my character. Since Insanus and Fenix were lost in a crash,i play as Ghost now.I tend to side with whoever will give me medical supplies. Im based out of Big Town.Havent done the DLcs for this guy yet.But ill pretty much kill anything that shoots me.


Now to take over the wasteland? I would start by silently killing off major characters either by a long ranged snipers shot or a silent assassination while they sleep.Then in the disarray I would seize the power as all the factions are warring within themselves.Then,once order is restored,I would first make Girdershade,Bigtown and CC all viable trading communities.Then reinforce them along with Megaton.After that is all settled,i would steamroll Vault 87 wipe out the mutant population. Then I would send kill squads into the city and kill anything thats not human(ghouls are the exception,but orders are no shooting until fired upon.) After that,I would go through and forcibly disarm the raiders.After theyre disarmed,they would be put to work and paid for it.Each family is allowed weps/armor/whatever they can scavenge.After the raiders are working,then comes Paradise falls.I would hire the slavers as a police force. Slaves would then be freed. After that I would reorganize the BoS and Outcast. They wont be forced into cooping but swapping intel/tech/ideas/info would be a requirement.Or get wasted silently.Then the BoS/Outcast would form the spine of my army.I would recruit anyone.some raiders could even become soldiers. I would force Zimmer,Li,and Pinkerton all to work together.This way they can reverse engineer and rebuild any tech the scav teams bring home. RC would make for a superb bastion for the fact is its so dang hard to get into.Then I would forcibly remove the Enclave threat scavving as much tech as I can.After the Enclave forces have been cleared from Raven Rock,I would disconnect Eden from the comm net. I always find sentient computers...fascinating. Then I would take the robot army and any Enclave survivors(each to be given a fair trial and they can say their side.Death penalty by firing squad or they can opt to do it themselves,Anna Holt will not receive any sort of trial and will immediately be put to death) and proceed to clear the Wasteland of any leftovers. After that,I would head to AAFB and take everything I can. I would not fire the OS and save it for when I really need it.I also would repair any damaged VBs for use by my own people.If any other factions resist,they either face total annihilation or assimilation.After all that is said and done, I would set up a new government based loosely on the original us govt.But with harsher penalties and leaders can be held accountable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
That sounds good. Especially the parts about Pinkerton, the assimilation, and the BoS. But I don't think that it goes far enough. It should begin westward expansion, assimilating the Western and Midwestern BoS, NCR, all the tribes, and of course, the Enclave. And speaking of them, why not just reprogram Eden to be your Chief of Staff and automatically get Raven Rock with it's advanced manufacturing, AAFB with it's Base Crawler tech and VBs, and the Satellite uplink station for Bradley-Hercules(the Orbital Strike one)?
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that's what I was thinking, you were face-to-face with "Eden", why didn't you fiddle around with it, and reprogram it to make YOU the President. Then you would have an army at your control, orbital strike capability, Chimeras and Virtibirds, plus Deathclaw controllers that could be potentially modified to be Supermutant controllers. Take over the Pitt (I did that myself, didn't need an army) and you have endless ammo supply, take over Purity and you have endless clean water, go down south and get the Tribals to mass-produce punga for you. Then build a big walled city, big as the capital wasteland. Get the BOS to come and administer it (they care about the people, afterall). Then you could turn your attention to grabbing all that futuristic tech from the Commonwealth.


Oh yes, megalomania, and if someone would like to make a mod to make that possible I would be very happy :tongue:

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YES! I want that as well! The only reason I haven't made it myself is that I suck at modding. But the Chimeras would not be lore-friendly: they were originally Chinese. Maybe put em up in Alaska, but not in DC. Instead, make a better post-war Enclave Battle Walker, call it the Phoenix, arm it with a big plasma/rail cannon, a few powerful Gatling Lasers or plasma repeaters, and maybe some antigrav struts (if u have Zeta).
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