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Custom Arrows?


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You can make custom swords and maces and stuff like that, but can you also make custom arrows? o_O

If so, can anyone explain it to me how or link a tutorial?

I really would appreciate some help... :thanks:







I might not know any links to help you mod your own, but these are 2 mods I am familiar with that do the job, and do it well. If you have the CS, just load em up and look and see what they did.

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I don't have a tutorial yet but I am planning on making one regarding 100% custom arrow/quiver and bows now that the Blender NIF Scripts support bow morphs!


I plan to include a bow/arrow for Vvardenfell Glass so that means I'll have to learn how to do it very soon. ;)



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When you make this tutorial, could you post it as an article?

I guess I figured it out to make some custom ones, but when I have the mesh I don't know what to do next, you know, what to do with nif-skope or the CS to get them as arrows into the game...

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