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Havok -> Non-Havok & vice-versa


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So what I did worked without any problems? Just curious since I don't usually create statics (actually, I can't recall creating any statics before...for a mod of mine).





Yep, no problems at all..I think that the Static|Weapon|.....|card is actually the key element in making them static. And the Weapon card could maybe be used to make havok objects out of non-havok objects.


Non-Havok - Static, Havok - Movable

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Yep, no problems at all..I think that the Static|Weapon|.....|card is actually the key element in making them static. And the Weapon card could maybe be used to make havok objects out of non-havok objects.

When you say "card", are you talking about the buttons on the NIF export screen? If so, that is 1/2 of the equation...although the most important half. The other part is the actual collision model and the settings on the Actor tab (Rigid, Static, material values, etc.) The NIF scripts might be advanced enough to overwrite the model settings (especially if you forget to set them) but I have not tested that scenario out.



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Yep, no problems at all..I think that the Static|Weapon|.....|card is actually the key element in making them static. And the Weapon card could maybe be used to make havok objects out of non-havok objects.

When you say "card", are you talking about the buttons on the NIF export screen? If so, that is 1/2 of the equation...although the most important half. The other part is the actual collision model and the settings on the Actor tab (Rigid, Static, material values, etc.) The NIF scripts might be advanced enough to overwrite the model settings (especially if you forget to set them) but I have not tested that scenario out.




Yep, I meant the button :biggrin:


The most useful part of this is that you can put books into bookshelves that can't be moved, therefore the player can't accidentally move them, take em or etc...I used it to put an inkwell on a desk..which is really hard if you try to do it in-game and a lot less effective.

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