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SKSE does list GetExplosion() and SetExplosion() on the MagicEffect Script. There is no specific page details probably because they might be in the 1.7 alpha. Anyway, you might be able to reduce the number of plugins by using a MCM option to change the explosion used by the magic effect. I'm not sure how it all ties together so it may not even be the correct thing. It may be something you'd want to consider.


Shoot, you could even create multiple explosive bolts each with their own projectile and their own explosion record and let the player decide what settings to use from a MCM menu. It would mean a ton of records in the plugin but would save tons of confusion on installation order.


I did something similar with my Aesthetic Bolt Quiver mod. I created several instances of the "visible" quiver and let the user select the body slot from within the MCM. It allowed for greater compatibility with other mods without the need of the user having to replace the ESP and meshes with other packages. Also means that if something is found wrong, there is less to edit.

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SKSE does list GetExplosion() and SetExplosion() on the MagicEffect Script. There is no specific page details probably because they might be in the 1.7 alpha. Anyway, you might be able to reduce the number of plugins by using a MCM option to change the explosion used by the magic effect. I'm not sure how it all ties together so it may not even be the correct thing. It may be something you'd want to consider.


Shoot, you could even create multiple explosive bolts each with their own projectile and their own explosion record and let the player decide what settings to use from a MCM menu. It would mean a ton of records in the plugin but would save tons of confusion on installation order.


I did something similar with my Aesthetic Bolt Quiver mod. I created several instances of the "visible" quiver and let the user select the body slot from within the MCM. It allowed for greater compatibility with other mods without the need of the user having to replace the ESP and meshes with other packages. Also means that if something is found wrong, there is less to edit.


I've looked at the MCM before and meh I fail to hard to implement it, can’t even implement the FOMOD/NMM installer stuff.


I want to try keep as simple as possible without scripts as I hear at a certain point and time too many script can drag the game down.

Still would not hurt to look at a few tutorials, know of any good ones for MCM or NMM installer?

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There's also this NMM FOMOD Tutorial, which is supposed to be more simple than the one Ishara suggested, though it doesn't go quite as in-depth. I've skimmed it and it seems like you could create a functional, basic multiple choice installer. I recommend reading both and referencing both and some actual fomods from other mods while making your own.

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