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Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away


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I support Gay Marriage.. It's their choice let them be happy. They don't have to show it in public.

Hell some straight couples don't even like to show it in public. Leave them alone really..

It's also been recorded that 68% of the "gay" marriages last longer than most straight marriages.

Why do people criticize because of their sexuality? I doubt it's a mental illness to be gay.

Even with your "statistics" it's still false if anything, it's a mental illness not to accept it.

ex. Lesbians = A Lot of guys enjoy that.

Gay Males = People shun.

Why is that? No one knows. The logic of "gay criticism." I don't like it at all..

The world is a "f"' 'ed up place.

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I support Gay Marriage.. It's their choice let them be happy. They don't have to show it in public.


Hell some straight couples don't even like to show it in public. Leave them alone really..


It's also been recorded that 68% of the "gay" marriages last longer than most straight marriages.


Why do people criticize because of their sexuality? I doubt it's a mental illness to be gay.


Even with your "statistics" it's still false if anything, it's a mental illness not to accept it.


ex. Lesbians = A Lot of guys enjoy that.


Gay Males = People shun.


Why is that? No one knows. The logic of "gay criticism." I don't like it at all..


The world is a "f"' 'ed up place.

<snip> Image removed by moderator as inappropriate for the open forum.~Lisnpuppy


i added a bit more democracy it should be fine now :D


Image removed again, don't push your luck - TVD.

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Culture teaches us the roles that have been disignated for us all without any input on our part. Those who aren't able to submit themselve to the mold that society has for us will always have a harder time than others. Children are especially effected by this, since their understanding of society is running hed on to societies expectations of them. both are learning about one another, but society has the momentum of several thousand years and several million people. It's no wonder why those that don't fit in are ran over by this jugernuaght called society.


I guess as humans, we've always tried to categorize what we couldn't comprehend as something weird, bazaare or freaky. I think it's more beneficial for our ego if we call human activity that involves what we charactorize as normal being done in a fashion we would call adnormal, crazy, It's just as much prejudice to call gay people crazy as it is to call a black man subhuman. You are simply degrading someone different in order for you to feel right about yourself.


I would like all of you to silently think back at the first time you ever was confronted, personally with a gay person and just ponder how you reacted. Was it a shock. It was for me and it was a freind who I'd known for over a year. For the first time in my life, talking to her I saw hurt in her eyes and it nearly ripped me apart. I have the guilt of that carved into my soul even long after I appologized and made ammends for that. I insulted myself by my reaction to her orientation, but also learned humility by it. Our relationship was never the same after that, but I became more prepared for my own shortcommings.


I ask you also to look at the roles that we as men and women are expected to play and how we are supposed to act and interact with one another. Then I ask you which is more insane. Wanting to love the person you are overwelming attracted to, no matter what their gender or having to act and react according to a preset guideline of manerisms that were set so far ago that their functionlity has become obsolete.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The only problem i see with homosexuality is the emotional/mental inability of some individuals to accept reality but that is changing.Studies in neuroscience has shown distinct differences in the brains of gay and heterosexual persons which i find quite fascinating.




I grew up in the 50's and 60's yet,somehow,i escaped the emotional/mental conditioning that equates difference as something to hate or fear.I don't believe prejudice ,of any kind, is instinctual,rather it is learned,conditioned into one by ones surroundings,by ones social influences.Mental illness plays a part in individual behavior but not in sexual orientation IMO.

Edited by gandalftw
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  • 1 month later...

Well, the following personal opinion might sound a bit offensive and therefore i would ask you to first read, think and then answer, hopefully without getting emotionally unbalanced.


There is a scientific reason to believe that homosexuality, not only in humans, is a "disease". It all depends on what disease means.


Lets look what Wikipedia has to say about what "disease" means:



from Wikipedia: A disease is a particular abnormal, pathological condition that affects part or all of an organism


The sexual drive is inside our Brain, so much is acknowledged by Science. From what we know of Nature, the sexual drives first and foremost function, is to make sure that organisms can couple to produce offspring. Humans are biologically seperated into two genders, one has the egg and the other has the means to fertilize this egg. We know them as male and female. So strictly speaking, for the natural function to work, male and female must couple to produce offspring. So the Brain and especially the sexual Drive should, at least in this context, work like that: if you are male your drive will lead you to a female and vice versa.


So from an (extremely) simplified point of view, one could consider a Brain that is leading a male to another male and a female to another female as a "particular abnormal condition of an organism". I hope you could follow so far without thinking of me as some sort of Hitler.


As you may have noticed, this is all from a scientific point of view. The question here is do we need a "cure"? No! absolutely not. This so called "disease" is a byproduct of nature that we really dont understand. It may well be that it has even a purpose that we are simply not able to realize yet. If there were only a handful of humans left, we may be talking about some necessary actions to save our race but with 7 Billion People there is really no reason to even notice the homosexuality of a certain percentage. So no matter if it is considered a disease or not; its not fatal, its NOT and I repeat NOT infectious, its not a higher risk then heterosexuality if you are a responsible person, it has none of the usual disadventages we came to know from "known" diseases.


So in a very "dry" scientific look it may be called a disease but I personally would rather like to call it a "flavor". Homosexuals have certain characteristics that Heterosexuals rarely have adding to the overall variety of a society. Nature LOVES variety and usually what Nature loves is here to stay. So if you are Homosexual, dont worry, Nature loves you ;).


The biggest problem about homosexuality is the uninformed and ignorant public. People are disgusted about the thought of two males having sex with each other (with females it is a bit less) but lets be honest, sex between male and female is just as "disgusting". The main sexual organs are normaly used to dispense bodily fluids and excrements which we also find disgusting and yet everybody loves to watch people coupling in extremely close contacts with full indulgement into the already mentioned "fluid and excrement dispensing organs".


In my opinion, as long as the sexual intercourse your having is consentuous and between adults, it should be of no concern to anybody who or what gender you are coupling with.

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A Good Example is Serbia people here will never accept being gay as normal.


However instead of investing into our society/culture/economy we finance gay pride´s.....

see for yourself how well that ends......




Somebody is really desperate about showing how "normal" homosexuality is.

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The issue is that normal doesn't exist. Those people who go around talking about thers do so out of a need only they can describe. These very people who talk to one person about another, end you talking about the person they were just talking to about another person, when they part. It's an ongoing thing with certain peole and these ssame people will never except anyone, most likely because they don't except themselves.


It takes an angery heart to spread misery, because that is all they have to give.

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