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What Political Persuasion Are You?


What political persuasion are you?  

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  1. 1. What political persuasion are you?

    • Far Left
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It's been over a month since last post. I assume the previous discussion is dead?




Someone once said of democracy: "I reject any political system in which the opinion of the village idiot is given the same weight as the opinion of aristotle."


I have devised a novel system for election, based around this philosophy.


My system would work by granting extra voting power to those deemed more capable of deciding the country's future.


It would work like this:


A person is granted their first vote at the age of 15. I know many 15 year olds who are capable of informed political decisions. A person is granted one additional vote for every 10 years of their lives. at 25, 35, 45 and so on. This works on the relatively sound principle that wisdom comes with experience. In addition, it would instantly see elderly people treated better by the government.


A person would have their IQ tested before each election, and would be granted 1 additional vote for every 15 points above average (100) that they score. In contrast, a person would lose one vote for every 15 point below average their IQ is. This works on the simple principle that intelligent people are more capable of informed decisions, and less vulnerable to propaganda.


Finally, a person would be granted one additional vote for each Degree, PHD or similar level qualification that they achieve. This would be the only way for someone to actively increase their voting power.


I believe this sort of system, though unjust in theory, would see a much better result in the choce of leadership, as the voices of millions of idiots are drowned out by those of the intellectual elite.


My personal voting power would be 3. Age 18. IQ 130. No qualifications of sufficient level yet,




On a different note, one of the main problems facing every organised government in history, is corruption. Humans are weak. Unfortunately. If I was in charge, I have an idea for a solution to corruption.


I would create an elite force of anti corruption agents, raised in a government training facility and mentally conditioned from birth, they would be brainwashed to such a degree as to be completely incorruptable. These agent would be granted absolute authority, access to all record and information on everything, and infinite resources. Their sole purpose would be tracking down corruption within the government and bringing the perpetrators to justice.


Horrifying? Perhaps.


Inhumane? Probably.


But effective? Most certainly.




What does everyone think of my (somewhat extreme) ideas to fix government?





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Nah, the better idea would be to setup some sort of facade government in which all those people can feel that they're all equally contributing, and have an opinion. Meanwhile in reality, those people in power, who understand how the world works, make the changes they feel are right. They then use that facade government to inform the populace of these changes, allowing the members of that government take full credit for the idea.


Oh wait... Forget I said anything.

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Marxist's post deleted. Flaming. You know better.


As for your ideas WarKirby, I don't think your government would last long before those idiots you refer to rise up and revolt. :P

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  • 6 months later...

When it comes to organised gov't, there will always be the risk of corruption, that won't ever change. Unless someone who can never be corrupted gets into that position of authority, then the people will continue to suffer because of someone's greed.


BTW, anyone who said they're far left is either queer or butch, the driver of a turban assault vehicle, or a left-handed stoner.

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Well your other two resurrections are just barely within the rules as they added something. This post doesn't really though, so thread necromancy methinks.



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