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Fallout 3 Underground? Help


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I recently discovered the existence of F3 Underground, via the nexus forums. It seems like a lot of folks here on nexus are also on F3 Underground, so I thought I'd take a look at it (particularly after seeing all of the great mods that have come out of F3Underground).


However, I can't seem to register. I have filled out their fields, and each time, I get caught up on the challenge question. I understand that I must read the Rules and FAQ threads after registering, but each time I type that in, I get the response "Your answer to the challenge question was not valid. Please try again." I must have tried 20 different ways of punctuating, capitalizing, and phrasing "I must read the rules and FAQ threads", however, to no avail.


Are there any F3 Underground Members here who could help me? I'd direct this question to F3 Underground directly, but you aren't given contact information by F3 Underground until you are registered.

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You're typing too much.


Holy crap it's up to 30 "well thought out" posts. Talk about your subjective bull droppings. It might as well say "we'll give you access to the mods when and if we feel like it." I actually have an account there, IIRC when I created it, it said only five posts. Their elitist attitude kinda turned me off on the site.

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You're typing too much.


Holy crap it's up to 30 "well thought out" posts. Talk about your subjective bull droppings. It might as well say "we'll give you access to the mods when and if we feel like it." I actually have an account there, IIRC when I created it, it said only five posts. Their elitist attitude kinda turned me off on the site.


Yeah... they seemed a bit full of themselves, but its their site, and their content, so I figure I'll try to contribute 30 "well thought out posts" (maybe I can check out a book on philosophy to help) and then just lurk and use their site to obtain content. I'll freely admit that I'm a fan of their mods, not an experienced critic, so I hope I won't be banned just because I can't write C++.

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You're typing too much.


Holy crap it's up to 30 "well thought out" posts. Talk about your subjective bull droppings. It might as well say "we'll give you access to the mods when and if we feel like it." I actually have an account there, IIRC when I created it, it said only five posts. Their elitist attitude kinda turned me off on the site.

The post thing is in place because they have to pay for the bandwidth, and they don't have the resources that the Nexus staff have availible. They want the people that download there to contribute to the community aswell, and not just leech downloads.

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Actually i just created an account there, for the question you need to go back to the "terms agreement page" (one you hit agree / dissagree and HUUUUGE hint, its underlined there. smallest one. all you do is copy and paste and caps "FAQ"
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That's what they say, anyway.


why on earth would anyone have a reason to lie about that?



Because everyone lies to some extent, it's human nature. And if you say you haven't lied at some point in life, you are a liar.

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That's what they say, anyway.


why on earth would anyone have a reason to lie about that?

Perfect excuse to do whatever the *ban me* you want with random nonamers registering on your site :P


That doesn't necesserily means that it is the main reason, of course, but it does offer possibilities and combined with the elitist attitude mentioned before, I'd be surprised if they didn't take advantage of that. I know I have done so in the past :whistling:

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That's what they say, anyway.


why on earth would anyone have a reason to lie about that?



Because everyone lies to some extent, it's human nature. And if you say you haven't lied at some point in life, you are a liar.


people lie when they have a reason to. I wasn't looking for some pithy quote about human nature, I was asking why you think they're lying in this case.


Perfect excuse to do whatever the *ban me* you want with random nonamers registering on your site


who are they making an excuse to? The rules are made by the person who pays for the entire site.


I'm not trying to be an apologist for them, I'm not gonna get into the whole "elitist" argument, for which you might have a point (not saying one way or another). I'm just confused why you would think they're lying. If I'm an arrogant elitist, then I'm entirely confident that my reasons are totally right and everyone else must be wrong. Lying would only be if they really didn't think they were correct but wanted to go on doing what they were doing anyway. Self delusional vs. active deception. You can't really accuse them of both just because you don't like them.

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