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Fallout 3 Underground? Help


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much appreciated


It is a smaller community and we dont want to be thought of as a mod hub...

The community is still a WIP and we are smoothing out the rinkles still, trying to find

an approval system that works, it is not mine or anyone elses Idea to isolate it or to keep anything from anyone

we are just interested in growing the community, and if by doing that we are elitist or greedy in that we are

only hosting our mods there, well if a creator of a mod with original content wants to have a place where he

can communicate with people about his mod, what he can improve upon, that seems like a great place hence

why my ODST armor and tactical pistol and SMG animations are on that website, because I appreciate the feedback

and I can take it to my friends and we can adjust fire as necessary to see what can be done to make it better.


It seems to strike me that the whole "elitist rumor and evil greedy mod site" bit comes from ignorance... people

who dont want to use any bit of intelligence to make a post and want instant satisfaction, their way right away...

well only burger king works like that, not the rest of the world. If someone says by having to actually communicate

to another human being is wasting their hard core gaming time, that they are 1337 or leet or however you spell it

when they finally move out of mom and dad's basement on their own.....that will be a very rude awakening.

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I have tried to check out F3 Underground but one rule I have for myself is that I will not register to a site that wont let me lurk at least first, I like to check out the community before becoming part of it.


the one time I did that I was scorned (by the other posters) then banned for making a suggestion, so never again.

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That right there's the attitude that came through loud and clear on the site, and why even though I do have an account there and the forums are rather more active, I don't really bother with it and have posted maybe once, if that. You look down on everyone else, everywhere else, as if you are somehow better than they are. You've built yourselves an ivory tower and feel it right, nay, necessary, to spit upon those outside.


Sorry but that aint true in any direction. Everyone is able to register, everyone speaks at least enough English to find the mod there and complaining not do download cause of the 30 rule.

It is no matter of ability but of will.

There are some extremely capable ppl there, and you will get help in any direction IF you ask for it in the way you would ask a real person standing next to you. Is it so hard to behave like a human in internet and not jelling around in other forums 'oh man I'm forced to have at least a litte good manners'. The webspace is payed by one single guy. So why exactly should he be forced to give his money to ppl leeching the stuff? Aint he allowed to share his money with someone who is at least kind enogh to talk to him or the members in his staff?

These posts make me sick *oh my god I have to post 30 intelligent sentences*.

If you think its spiting on people when you limit the access to your bandwich you pay with your own earned money, I wount stop you.

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was your suggestion about the rules then if it was the underground? Bannings dont happen because of that there. Usually people get banned for spam posting like a post every 10 seconds

or by starting new threads every 10 seconds as a new comer, usually this is picked up quickly because there are threads already dedicated to that discussion.


So what happened with your case?

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@Skotte: You can "lurk" around. The only thing I seen so far that you can't do is download. And that's pretty much the same anywhere. You click download and save it.


@SpcSpectre: Are you one of the admins/mods over at Underground?

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@ evilneko: So what, I am not aloud to have an opinion? I am not aloud to use something YOU said against you? I am not typing this in anger as I did with my first post, I am simply asking you questions? I am partaking in this conversation as you used ME, a sole person, as an example of, how did you put it, "the attitude that came through loud and clear on the site", but you my friend stated just a little before my post that the site in question could basically go get F---ed, what attitude is that? Why would ANY site want you based on that attitude? Now you may ask, "What attitude" well, simply put, you think that posting 30 well thought out posts is being strict and because of that we can go do our selves.


Now I have no real personal malice towards you in any way. Personally, I don't know you, hell IRL we could be best mates, who the hell knows what could happen. Now I will apologize for the way i worded my last post, it was uncalled for, I was in the middle of an argument with someone and I made the simple mistake of funneling that anger into my post, when I started it I did not mean to come off as bad as I did... But, it wasn't till I had some time to collect my thoughts that I realized how stupid my action was and I shall endeavor to try and never do that again.


So once again, for my first post I apologize.


Thank you



EDIT: Sorry Evilneko, brain spasm... I just re-read, you were not the one who said the site could go F--- it self, that was someone else... I am tired as it is 6:20AM here... so once again sorry... God I HAVE to stop posting here... >.< BUT I will have to ask why is it that you think I am not allowed my opinion on something, that is not that of the community I go to, but mine? I don't know anyone who could say that my post was the attitude of the site. I think I know WHY you think that is our attitude and I will have a word to Plerr about a suggestion I have about it... but that is not for you to know as it is internal staff stuff, or wait... are we elitist cos of that too?

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was your suggestion about the rules then if it was the underground? Bannings dont happen because of that there. Usually people get banned for spam posting like a post every 10 seconds

or by starting new threads every 10 seconds as a new comer, usually this is picked up quickly because there are threads already dedicated to that discussion.


So what happened with your case?


on the other site (not naming it wasn't F3 Underground) I was banned because of a suggestion to improve a mod, the other posters didn't like that I didn't see the modder/forum owner as a god because of a hair mod.


so ever since then I made it a personal rule not to deal with closed style forums, No offense intended to the staff & members of F3 Underground though.

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None Taken, you can register there and just lurk or talk to me, I am always willing to try to find time to talk to people

While not an admin I am failry reasonable all the way around. The only thing that really bothers people there are

people who dont read the rules and people who complain that talking to someone 30 times or using that grey matter

upstairs is some how life threatening and requires superhuman ability.




Naw, I am just someone who does the modding and some editing. On the Underground I am SgtSpectre

as I made this account/ name on the Nexus to match an email address I had almost 7-8 years ago....

I have been promoted long since then, but was too lazy to change anything sadly.

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Well I was there when the site started and we contributed to making it more functional, I dont sadly have that much time

to be a mod or an admin because of Real Life, but the staff there is very respectful to my suggestions and very


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