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Havens bag more rooms?


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so maybe that could be the solution? If so then I think the theme of the bag should change a little so not to seem like we're stealing. (But I still love the bag

here are some new theme ideas:



maybe the bag/bags can be colored and decorated (use the workbench from Hearthfire to change ites looks?)

I would still really like all the rooms added (also using the Hearthfire workbench if possible)





1. Box (don't really like this idea)

a. Wooded (wooden walls and floor)

b. Stone (Stone walls and floor)

c. Metal (Iron walls and floor)

i. Dwemer (dwemer walls and floor, turning cogs and such)

ii. Ebony (ebony walls and floor, intricate designs)

iii. Falmer (scaled walls and floor)

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still no response to the request of using it as a base :( . I have a feeling I'm not going to get a reply soon :( . If you are able to mod this from scratch please do so. If you don't have the time please make a video showing how to make a player home and an item teleport you there

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Sorry for slow reply. I'm busy with a lot of things recently.


You can expand on Haven Bag if you want. I made that in 2012 and while I still cannot imagine playing without it after all this time, I see no problem with people wanting to improve it. As long as you keep credits, you're free to use/modify it for your mod.

Edited by Caithe
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I use Haven Bag all the time but the idea of more rooms would change the whole shape of the interior into something else Haven Satchel maybe. . . The whole thing reminds me a little bit of the game Fable where you had to go into the magic snow globe thing and there was a whole town where you could do quests to restore the town to it's glory. I think it's because Haven Bag fits a whole whack of stuff into such a tiny little bag. Anyway good luck with your request.

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