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Lost A Mod - Find A Mod


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In my continuing bid to seize control of these forums I present yet another thread.


This one I hope will be beneficial to everyone around.


Mods come and go. Various reasons. They get lost and hopefully found. Come here and ask to see if someone has a mod you lost.


I lost a few good mods when I had to wipe my game out.


I'll begin:


+ I once had a mod that ONLY broke the joined cooldown timers on potions (each type of pot had it's own timer). Can't remember its name. Can't seem to find it.


+ Grenade Range Increase mod




If you have these mods please provide some place to upload them to, maybe even back to the Nexus.

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Yeah thats where I picked it up the first time a long long while back (like literally a couple days after release).


Its the same with the mod that separated the cool downs, found it right after release, and now it's not on Nexus anymore (or social).

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