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[Request] Mod to prevent accidental smelting/selling stuff


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Is it possible to make mod, that you can tag items in invetory, to make then not sellable/destroyable?


I smelted my pickaxe, woodcutter axe and crossbow by accident 5 or so times (there are mods that allows to do that) - this always happen, when I recycle stuff after dugneon raid.

This mod could use some coding from tagging items as favourite (where player can do that) and part of code, that renders item as quest one, so you can't get rid of it.


For example there is pickaxe. I tag it in my invetory as "permament".

While it is tagged "permament" I cant remove it or sell it, but I can untag it later to remove it (by selling/smelting).


If such mod exists, can I have link to it?

Edited by raxo2222
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Well, I have SPERG and Crafting Overhaul (they modify crafting), so I went straight to PRUFEI in your link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54375/?


Edit: They don't work even if put on beginning of list. I need mod, that merely marking any item as favourite protect its, like it was quest one in such way, that you can use it, if it doesn'i get destroyed.

Edited by raxo2222
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