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In-Combat Taunts


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OK, I see many videos of NPCs and the Player getting taunted at by Guards and other NPCs in combat, I even saw it happen on a friends game, but I never hear them say anything but 'you should have paid the fine!' I do hear the Mythic Dawn agents taunt in combat, and sometimes the Blind Moth Priests, but the guards and other NPCs never say anything...they just grunt, shout or say 'pay the fine'. Is there something missing from my game, or do the taunts happen randomly? (I use Game of the Year edition with Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine.) :blink:


From what I heard whilst watching a friend play, I liked a Chorrol Guard saying 'this is the part where you fall down and bleed to death!'

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OK, I see many videos of NPCs and the Player getting taunted at by Guards and other NPCs in combat, I even saw it happen on a friends game, but I never hear them say anything but 'you should have paid the fine!' I do hear the Mythic Dawn agents taunt in combat, and sometimes the Blind Moth Priests, but the guards and other NPCs never say anything...they just grunt, shout or say 'pay the fine'. Is there something missing from my game, or do the taunts happen randomly? (I use Game of the Year edition with Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine.) :blink:


From what I heard whilst watching a friend play, I liked a Chorrol Guard saying 'this is the part where you fall down and bleed to death!'


Install a mod called Ayleid Treasury,it's here on tesnexus,and it's rather simple,but it rocks,and you will level fast with it.Once you enter the treasury,be sure that you are at least level 20 though. :biggrin: Anyways,once you get in,you will forget dremoras as scary.These guys from the treasury are pure evil,lol.And boy,they taunt in the darkness like raving lunatics. 'Noow,you will knooow paaaain! 'Todaaaay!You diiiie!'


My favorite taunts,by the way. Good hunting! ;)

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I've heard guards and NPCs in combat say several things. I always thought they were part of vanilla oblivion. Examples:


(the one you heard) "This the part where you fall down and bleed to death..."


"Is that the best you can do? I've fought mudcrabs (worse I think, can't remember the word exactly) than you!"




"C'mon...show me what you've got!"


Just to name a few. :)

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LOL. I love those taunts! But it's true, the guards and NPCs never taunt me other than saying 'should have paid the fine!'

I can't think of any mods that may disable them, but I do wish Mr. Lex would taunt back at me as I run off with his coins. :D

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I think your game is not working normally. There are lots and lots of taunts and comments. Each character must have at least four I would guess. It sounds like you are not hearing them on your game.


"Come to me sweet flesh!"


"I need your blood!"


"You are a traitor to your own race!"


"You elves are all the same! All flash, and no fury!"


"I do not fear death."


There are so many good ones, and the timing is often really bad and funny.


"I've fought mudcrabs fiercer than you!" - while fighting a mudcrab.


"Why won't you die?" - while fighting a nimble character and never landing a single blow.


"You'll never take me down" - right before getting taken down.

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Unless you've installed some mods that altered taunt behvaiour/triggers then it's a mystery about why they don't get played. Perhaps the fights you observe end too quick? Try get a brawl going by raising and lowering the disposition of some people (purposely do bad in the disposition mini-game) and then start a fight. Try in the evenings in one of the Inns in the Market District... lots of NPCs gather there. Some will come to your aid and some will fight against you and your 'friends' you just made... then just use an ivisibility spell.


If you don't mind using console commands, then you can just click on NPCs, note their ref ID and then click another NPC and type 'startcombat <refID>'. Do that to everyone around you and it's an instant winner. It should last for ages and then you can truly find out if your game is 'broken'.


Oh and it's "I've fought Mudcrabs more fearsome than you!". :P

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I just tried both getting a huge pub brawl going on, and setting Mr. Lex on his own guards, both on 2 seperate occasions. There was no taunting other than from Mythic Dawn agents. Everyone else was just shouting and grunting. Would M.O.E cause the taunts to vanish as that is the only mod I have that changes the most stuff in Oblivion? :/


EDIT: I found a rather odd glitch...after robbing Mr. Lex right in front of him, allowing him to catch me, he just followed me around. So I stole from other guards the same way, or right from behind, and they followed me also. First thing I thought was "Oh crap, I screwed up something in this save" so I loaded anotherone (different character), same thing happened. I loaded another save (another different character) and the same happened. I'll try again tomorrow and hopefully the guards will try to arrest me next time instead of following me around until I talk to them. XD

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Thats because of your fame, buddy.


Anyways.. yeah i got this odd thing (i am the Listener) when i critical stealth murder somebody, my guy rroars "NIGHT MOTHER GRANT ME STRENGHTTT!!!" and something like "SITHIS WILL FEAST ON YOUR SOULLL!!!"


Any idea why?

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I like "Die, Imperial Scum (or Pig)", or when Redguard male say "This is the part when you fall down and bleed to death" it sounds pretty boring, but funny. There should be more taunts that makes you laugh.
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