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Additional Dawnguard items


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If this has been done, I can't find it but I've always disappointed that there are no weapons for dawnguard beyond the axe. No sword with the dawnguard symbol at the cross of the hilt. No mace that has a 3D version of the symbol for its head, the rays coming off of the sun being the spikes. No long axe or great sword. Was also disappointed they didn't make a light shield or a necklace that is basically just a mini version of the shield on a chain.

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I think this one would fit perfectly as amulet for the Dawnguard, just slight alterations to textures so it'd be silver-ish, what do you think?

I might look into this one, sounds quite simple.
Plenty of cool and fitting swords and other weapons around the Nexus for use.
With minor alterations any sword/weapon can be made to look like silver.

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That would be impressive given they were both first released in the same month. :tongue: In reply to you though, Shadowjin, that would be perfect with a retexture. In fact it looks like they meant it for Dawnguard and never used it as they originally intended because that clearly has the right sun shape.

I'm newish to modding myself but I'll still be trying my hand at this. In my mind it's become a larger mod. It'll be either matching or replacing voices for some NPCs I can think of that will really be challenging I think.

Edited by harvengure
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@harvengure - haha XD, if your going to mod it into the game, please send me a link to download, my vampire lord character has been desiring a sword to smite the feral vampires!

As for dawnguard armor, I believe there is a retextured but standalone witcher plate armor with the dawnguard symbol on it. Heres a the link to it http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22602/?

Edited by blah6662012
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@blah6662012 - I actually have that mod but I was thinking something a bit different...if only -another- style. Ideas I'm working on getting into the mod include robes and alternative versions of both the heavy and light armor (which I've been dabbling with in Blender).

Additional lines for existing characters if I can match their voices using whoever I can get to match their voice as close as possible and than just edit it to match better with sound software. This will be to change the quests and plot around somewhat and give options that weren't around before. For example, if the hall of the vigilants burn down why would they not move to Stendarr's beacon? Why would the two factions not work more closely together? Especially since Isram was a vigilant himself.

A follower from Cyrodil who is part of a long standing but mostly defunct order of vampire hunters.

An overhaul of the castle to use some of the wasted space as well as provide a home.

Chances are parts will be released on their own only to be bundled later.

Edited by harvengure
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