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What is the deal with generally snide comments?


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I'm not going to name and shame users, but I've been noticing a disturbing rise of just generally rude comments towards mod authors.


For example, on a mod that people don't like, the author will get comments about them being a pedophile, perverted, virgin, nerd, or whatever just because the mod doesn't appeal to them. Why do people feel the need to fling mud at other people? No one throwing insults at people who are far up into their heads in the "lore", so as such the same respect should be given to those who don't prefer to be as lore filled about everything.


There is absolutely no need to be rude to other users, as people seem to forget that mods are not made for them. No-one literally sits here and crafts a mod for the "people" as it is not going to work, not everyone likes the same thing. When we get to point of having to insult people for liking what they don't like, it really gets ugly and makes the community look terrible.


There's just a giant lack of respect from people, and an inability to ignore things that don't appeal to them. I do not understand why this is so hard to grasp that everybody is different, and has different things they want to do with their game. Absolutely no-one should be forcing their ideals on to others or even making false assumptions about people they know nothing about. The people behind these usernames are real people, but some people seem to forget that and treat them like roaches.


What irks me the most is when people drop some snide comment about others on a mod that they like.


- "Oh I love this mod, and it's not like that other pedophile mod made by that pedophile author!"


- "Glad this isn't some big breast virgin mod like those other authors, these people don't know how to play the game!"


- "I don't understand why people don't make more lore friendly mods like this, instead of making perverted mods!"


Enough with the assumptions and rude comments seriously, no-one is flinging mud at you, so why fling mud at them? It's not right and it needs to stop, it's 2014 for crying out loud.

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Everyone should report anything like this, nobody wants people like that here and the staff are only too glad to show them the door. As for why, I really don't know, the mentality behind it defies logic.

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I've been involved in politics for many years, I'm more than capable of attacking and humiliating people, I've often done it to our opponents but to do it over game mods being offered for free? no, that's far from normal.

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Some people think the anonymity afforded by the use of a "screen name" is a license to behave as poorly as they want. And evidently that can be pretty poorly indeed.


As was noted in the initial reply, "Report 'em!" The Staff will sort them pretty quickly.

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Then, too, it's summer in the Northern Hemisphere right now, when schools and colleges/universities go on break. Lots of immature people with nothing better to do, I guess.
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It’s just normal human behaviour. We all know it, we just don’t like to admit it. All things considered the human race can be a pretty nasty lot.



Everyone should report anything like this, nobody wants people like that here and the staff are only too glad to show them the door. As for why, I really don't know, the mentality behind it defies logic.



Some people think the anonymity afforded by the use of a "screen name" is a license to behave as poorly as they want. And evidently that can be pretty poorly indeed.


As was noted in the initial reply, "Report 'em!" The Staff will sort them pretty quickly.



Then, too, it's summer in the Northern Hemisphere right now, when schools and colleges/universities go on break. Lots of immature people with nothing better to do, I guess.



All the more reason to dispose of them. Just click that button. :thumbsup:


It's true yeah, reporting works and I highly appreciate the mods continually stepping in to take out the rif-raff.


As for it being normal human behavior, I can't say that the things I've seen here are anything close to normal. I understand there's mix of good and bad in everything indeed.


I would just hate for mod authors to end up leaving due to people who literally can not think before they post. It's not like on the internet people automatically lose their human qualities, these things are still very real.

Edited by Cosmosis1
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It's not like on the internet people automatically lose their human qualities, these things are still very real.



Kinda makes you wonder how they act in outside world.


Pretty sure if some of the trolls we've seen on site previously acted like they do online in a public place, they'd have been beaten to death by angry people - or locked up in a padded room.

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