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how to make meshes from rl


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Interesting but not something useful for making game content simply used as a reference for creating your own (optimized) model...but then again, simple 2D pictures at various angles would suffice for that.



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depends, we had such a beast in uni and its actually quite a simple technique actually, you can do it with two webcams and some stickers as markers. Useful if you want to convert geometrical extravagant pieces which are not easily creatable from 2 or 3 angles.

those hightech versions are of course a bit more sophisticated, however most proffesionals use sound instead of laser since lasers get easily distorted by differences in the air composition which wuld need to get calcualted into the program depending on location. would be worth to give it a shot in the architectural department of jaysus productions tho :P

another problem with the laser is that it cant reach areas behind objects, neither can sound... im still looking for somin that could actually see a whole room and even stuff behind other objects. and of course turn it into somin more useful than a bunch of dots... faces for example lol...

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im still looking for somin that could actually see a whole room and even stuff behind other objects.
How about some cancer-causing X-Rays...those are always fun to play with. :)
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This might be an O.K. way to make easy interiors for use In-Game. Everything else is a little... what is the word... Sketchy? heh.


From what I see, the device creates vertices galore, but does not connect them. Not a problem, but still needs work. Otherwise, I can see this thing going into use when trying to make real graphic representations of ancient buildings for games that are in our era.

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